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Steel 7 (Multiple Love)

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I have to hold Ben's hand and shake my head because I can't take anymore. I want to watch him enjoy the friction that our bodies make together. I want to see the furrow between his brows ease away, knowing that I've made him happy enough to forget all of the troubles he's carrying on his broad shoulders. And when I see the moment that he lets everything go, I stroke his face and bend to kiss his lips.

Five down. Two to go.

And I have an idea.

"Mo, will you lay down on your back with your legs spread open?"

He eyes me cautiously, his obsidian pupils reflecting only the light coming from the nightstand fixture. Even though he's wary of what I'm asking him for, he does it. That trust and submission settles over me like a warm blanket.

"And Hudson, will you kneel between Mo's legs?"

Jax snorts from where he's reclining on the bed, watching everything with a quirk of a smile on his face. "You know we're not down with fucking each other, right?" he says. "This is purely a one-way agreement between you and us."

"I know," I huff, shuffling closer to where my men are staring at me expectantly. "Although that would be hot." When I wiggle my eyebrows, there are a few muttered expletives. I guess any man-on-man action is off the table for now. A girl can hope.

I sit astride Mo, facing away from him in the reverse cowgirl position that hits all the right spots. If I pull this off, it's going to be a fucking triumph. Sinking down onto him is like pushing a chocolate-covered finger into my mouth. Sweet and yet intrusive. His big hand rests against the skin of my ass, squeezing my cheeks together for maximum tightness, and it feels amazing.

"Luna, are you trying to kill me dead?" he says. I glance over my shoulder at him, smiling at the way he has thrown back his head in ecstasy. Hudson comes closer, still not quite sure what his role is in this, his hands finding my breasts and squeezing first gently and then harder, in the same punishing rhythm as my hips. Our mouths meet, tongues tangling, breath mingling, and when I can feel Mo starting to swell inside me, I rise up high, gripping Hudson's shoulders to propel me into his lap. In a second, he's inside me, his mouth opening into a surprised O. So now he understands the assignment!

Behind me, I can hear Mo using his hand on his slippery cock, and I twist to watch as he watches Hudson and me. There's a fierceness in his gaze, demandingness that flickers over my clit like a hot tongue. When Hudson is gritting his teeth and gripping my hips, I push back until I'm sliding from his lap and back onto Mo.

Their cocks are both big but different. Mo's is slightly thicker, and Hudson's slightly longer with a bigger ridge at the top. Switching between them hits different spots inside me, but it's not only that. It's the sheer naughtiness of fucking two men at the same time, teasing them until they're gasping and playing with themselves, getting more and more flushed with each switch.

I want to come again so badly. My body is primed, my thighs are wet and sticky, and as I look between my legs at the sight of my pussy stretched open around Mo's cock, and my clit so swollen, I get even closer.

"Come," I tell Mo. "Let it all go inside me."

He groans, the muscles on his thighs and calves flexing with the pressure. When he comes, it's like an exorcism, the groan he makes so loud that I look to the door, wondering if my stupid bodyguards will come barging in.

They don't.

I guess the sound of a man yelling out isn't enough to worry them.

Hudson's impatient now, grabbing me under the ass and hauling me onto his cock. Throwing my arms around his neck, I hold on for dear life, feeling very much like a rodeo rider on an angry stallion.

He's waited for the longest and watched every one of his friends get off. It's not surprising that he's as coiled as a bull elephant in musth. "Fuck, Luna. You drive me crazy," he hisses through gritted teeth. "Fucking come on my cock. Give me that sweet pussy."

His words come out like the delirious ramblings of a drunken man, but that's okay. I'm delirious too. Delirious and happy and bubbling with contentment. I'm pleasure-filled and exhausted, on a high similar to the way I feel after singing.

And as Hudson comes inside me, I come too, hugging around his sweat-slicked chest and breathing in his masculine scent, knowing that this is it.

I've found my place in the world. I've found my family. And whatever happens in my life from here on out, I'm never letting them go.

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