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Broken Hill Halo (Broken Hill High 2)

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Brooke gets comfortable on the couch beside me and turns all her attention on Courtney. “I’m waiting,” she declares.

“Oh, fine,” Courtney says as she throws back the whole drink. “So, Puck pulled up beside me and got out to help change my tire even though I told him it was fine because my dad was going to come. He gave me this really sexy boyish smile and waved me off before getting the spare. He flirted the whole time, and I swear, watching him change that tire was so damn hot,” she says as her cheeks start to flush with the memory. “I mean, how do guys just know how to do this stuff?”

“Get to the good stuff,” Brooke laughs.

Courtney rolls her eyes as Brylee lounges back in the couch with her feet up, listening to the story I’m sure she’s already heard a million times. “Alright, alright. Keep your knickers on,” she laughs. “So, he was doing everything and I was trying to be really helpful, you know, like getting the tools and holding the little bolt things so they didn’t get lost, but he didn’t realize I had them. So, he turned to find them at the same time that I leaned in to hand them over and I smacked my head into his and fell back,” she explains as she points out a little bump on her forehead. “I got him pretty good.”

“Oh, shit,” I laugh.

“It’s so not funny,” she demands. “It hurt like a bitch. I had tears in my eyes from it. It was so embarrassing, but anyway, I was falling and he completely saved me from crashing into the gutter, and in doing that, he lost his balance and we both ended up going down. So, not only do I have a lump on my head, but I also have a graze on my ass.”

“Shit,” Brooke laughs. “Let me see.”

Courtney gets up and turns around before pulling up the back of her shirt and wriggling her shorts down a bit to give us a good view of the bruise and graze that cover the back of her hip and ass. “Wow,” I grunt. “That’s a good one.”

“Yeah,” she agrees. “So, I was in the gutter and he was on top of me, and we both burst out laughing which is when he just…,” she goes quiet and gets lost in her head. “Kissed me.”

Brooke starts squealing in her excitement before she leans forward and adds a little vodka to her already strong drink. “What? And then he just fucked you in the backseat of your car?” she questions.

Courtney looks away and it’s clear that’s exactly what happened. “You make it sound so vulgar,” she says. “But yes, that’s technically what happened, though, I wouldn’t call it fucking. It was kind of slow and intense.”

“My, oh my,” Brooke laughs. “Are you saying that Puck Jones made love to you?”

Courtney grabs a cushion and launches it across the room at Brooke. “I told you,” she grins. “It was special.”

“So…,” Brooke questions. “Are you guys together or dating or something like that?”

“No,” she says. “I haven’t talked to him since. I don’t know. I mean, I wouldn’t mind dating him, but I’m not sure he’s up for losing his man-whore status.”

I’d definitely agree with that. Puck Jones is known for his conquests in the bedroom and he’s damn proud of it. I can’t see him giving that up anytime soon. It would have to be one hell of a special girl to get him to change his beastly ways.

I can’t help but laugh as I turn to Brylee. “You have to make it even now,” I tell her. “It’s either Jesse or Tyson. Who do you pick?”

“Ugh, no thanks,” she groans. “While it’d be fun, I’d probably get an STD from them.”

“Agreed,” Brooke laughs. “You can share Max.”

“Gee, thanks,” she laughs before refilling her drink.

An hour later, the pizza arrives and we spend the next hour eating, drinking, and getting ourselves pumped up and dressed in school colors for what should hopefully be one hell of an exciting football game.

Chapter 5

I drive Brooke’s car with the girls giggling in the backseat as I pull into the student parking lot of Broken Hill High. The place is already packed, though I’m not surprised, the game starts in all of two minutes and we have to haul ass so we don’t miss kick off.

We find a space that’s possibly the furthest spot from the field and get our butts moving while me and Brylee hold up Courtney, who’s drunk just a little too much, but insisted she was still fine to come along. After all, she wanted to look at the hot guys with the tight asses.

The closer we get to the field, the louder the noise is. This must be one of the biggest games in Broken Hill which brings nearly everyone in the community. I swear there must be at least someone from every single household in Broken Hill here tonight.

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