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Untouchable (Haven Falls 1)

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Candice stands around a circle of cheerleaders, but I don’t let that stop me, especially since the back of my head is hurting. I’m pretty sure she ripped out a good chunk of hair.

I hold the spaghetti in one hand and bring up the other, slamming it so hard into her chest, she flies back a few steps. “Don’t you fucking touch me, whore,” I tell her, deciding I may as well own it. “It’s my fucking shirt now.”

Her eyes widen as she flies back, but her friend, Monica, catches her and quickly balances her. Candice surges forward, getting back in my face. “You don’t know who you’re messing with.”

“Sure, I do,” I scoff. “You’re the captain of the cheer squad. The biggest whore in school. You’re in the prime of your life. Tell me, where do you go after this? College? No,” I laugh. “I doubt that. This is it for you, isn’t it? This is where you peak. It’s all downhill from here.”

“You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” she tells me with a twisted grin. “You’re the one with nothing. Where are your friends, Henley? Where’s your little protection detail now? Oh, that’s right. You fucking screwed it and he ran the fuck away.” I scowl as she continues. “Jackson told me he only fucked you because he was sick of you drooling every time he walked into a fucking room. You know, get it over and done with.”

Fuck, that hurt. My fingers clench down on the bowl of spaghetti as I try to keep my calm. “Really?” I laugh. “Because he told me you were a lazy screw. You’re all about that starfishing.”

She scoffs, stepping into me even more. “If I was such a lazy screw, why did he keep coming back? Over and over again. Tell me, did he come back for seconds with you? Hell, were you even good enough to bother finishing the first time?”

Breaking. Fucking. Point.

My jaw clenches as my hand tightens firmly on the bowl of spaghetti. I rear back and launch the bowl forward with everything I have, determined to put the bitch in her place.

In the blink of an eye, Candice is ripped out of my face and thrown back a few steps as a body is shoved between us. “What the fuck is-”

Too fucking late. The momentum is too strong for me to stop and the bowl of spaghetti is slammed hard into the chest of Noah Cage.

Gasps and whispers are heard throughout the room before dead silence.

“Shit,” I gasp, wide eyed. What the hell have I done?

Noah’s green, fuming eyes look down at the spaghetti falling off his chest in chunks before he turns his glare on me, his muscled, tattooed arms twitching with fury as he clenches and unclenches his fists.

My heart races as my mind scrambles for something to say. “I…”

Noah Cage is King Fucking Shit at this school. He’s what Jackson used to be and what Jesse and Nate Ryder are to Broken Hill. He’s our resident bad boy. What he says goes, and I just put spaghetti all down his shirt in front of the whole fucking school. Not to mention, his bitch of a girlfriend, Monica, is standing here too, watching on, probably about to claw my eyes out for embarrassing her boyfriend in front of his school.


Noah and his friend, Rivers, are the two guys you don’t want to mess with. They’re larger than life, dangerous, dark, and mysterious. The two of them rule this school and to be honest, they’re the kind of guys you don’t want to meet in a dark alley. Well, at least Rivers is anyway. No one really knows much about him and I have a feeling he keeps it that way on purpose. I couldn’t even tell you his first name.

Add Noah’s twin sister, Tully, to the mix, and you have the most feared pack in Haven Falls. The three of them are fucking lethal. When they work together, they’re unstoppable. No one enters their group and no one gets out.

Noah’s the pack leader, always up front, the face of the group, where Rivers is the loyal servant, ready and willing to put anyone in their place if they step even a toe wrong. Don’t be fooled though, Noah is no stranger to handing out a beat down, but I get the feeling Rivers enjoys it more. Tully though, she’s the silent assassin. She’s the voice of reason and I don’t doubt the glue that holds the boys together, or at least, holds them back from landing their asses in jail.

People everywhere have been trying to break into their ranks and I’m not surprised when they fail each and every time. They’re impenetrable. It’s like an exclusive club that no one has the password for.

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