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Unbelievable (Haven Falls 2)

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I’ve known Jackson for years, and the Jackson I knew was kind and warm. He wouldn’t hurt a fly, despite the fact that he loved a good throw down. You know, only if the guy deserved it of course. He’s a legend on the football field and a rockstar off. He’s one of the greatest guys I know, and I’ve hated how things went down between us all those months ago, but I’m damn happy it’s over now.

It’s hard to believe that the massive Broken Hill/Haven Falls rivalry with Jackson and Nate somehow came out the other end with them becoming such great friends. I swear, they practically wipe each other’s asses now. At least with Jesse anyway…I think. I try to avoid the topic as much as I can.

Noah’s Camaro zooms past me and the force coming from it has me falling back a step as my hair blows up around my face.

Fuck me, that was hot, and I swear, he just winked as he passed, though he’s going a bit too fast for me to clearly see his face. It’s like a blur as he passes. Who knows, he could have some weird ass twitch going on right now, but I’m going to settle for a sexy as hell wink because in my head, that’s how I love seeing him.

Shit, there’s that word again. Love. This is really messing with my head.

We’ve only been going out for a few weeks. Is it too soon to love him? I don’t know. My heart is telling me things I’m not ready to listen to while my brain is telling me to run for the hills. After all, he’s holding back. How can I truly let myself fall for someone who’s keeping secrets?

It’s killing me that I don’t know what’s going on with him and Rivers. They disappear at all hours of the day and I have no idea why. Tully will tell me to trust them until she’s blue in the face, but how can I trust something that I don’t understand? You couldn’t ask someone to jump off a bridge not knowing what’s at the bottom, so how could I trust him when I don’t know what he’s got himself involved in?

This is driving me insane.

Kaylah squeezes my hand and I have to remind myself that she’s really here.

Kaylah Millington. My best friend, turned ex-best friend, turned…I don’t know. We’re still working it out, but all that matters is that she’s here with a smile on her face and I don’t want to hate on her. It’s incredible. The bridge that was burned is now being built back up and our old friendship is quickly falling back into place, with the exception of me now having a new best friend, of course.

Tully is not about to relinquish her throne for the girl who burned me, but she’s more than happy to share just a little, you know, here and there. The more the merrier, and damn, it’s certainly true in this case.

Kaylah has been having a bit of difficulties fitting in with the girls at Broken Hill High. She’s the new girl dating the most popular guy in town, Jesse Ryder. Well, if you asked me, Nate Ryder was the most popular guy, but he’s off at college now, leaving Jesse to fill his very large shoes.

Jesse is the clown of the two. He always has some ridiculous comment to make, and naturally, Kaylah fell for that shit hook, line, and sinker. She was putty in his hands and Kaylah’s quick wit won him over the second he laid eyes on her. It’s sweet really, but his reputation holds me back from trusting him. I don’t know the guy and I guess that’s not exactly nice of me, but what can I say? I’m looking out for her and I’m not the kind of girl to trust blindly. Jesse Ryder is going to have to earn my approval, just the same as he would have had to earn Jackson’s.

“Would you relax?” Kaylah seethes in my ear, pulling me out of the turmoil inside my head. “You’re thinking too much.”

“Can’t help it,” I mutter over the sound of the car.

“He’s going to be fine,” she tells me before looking around me to Tully. “Would you tell her that Noah will be fine?”

“Noah will be fine,” Tully repeats monotone, really not giving a shit if her brother wins or not, but let’s face it, if he does, she’s not going to pass up the party that comes with it.

I roll my eyes, going with it. I know one hundred percent Noah will be fine. He’s an incredible driver and an even better racer. I know without a doubt that he will win this race. Though they don’t need to know that the reason for my messed up brain was because of Kaylah and her brother worming their way back into my lives.

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