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Unbelievable (Haven Falls 2)

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I bite down on my lip, running my nose along his neck. “Shhhhhh,” I whisper. “It’s a secret.”

Rivers grunts, holding onto Tully with two hands as Noah reaches out his other hand, holding onto Kaylah to stop her from disappearing. “Dude,” Rivers says, “they’re fucking high as kites.”

Tully instantly starts laughing so hard she snorts into Rivers shirt as Noah nods his agreement, narrowing his eyes angrily on his twin sister. “Let’s get them the fuck out of here.”

“But… my shoe,” Tully cries.

Rivers looks down. “What about your shoe?” he demands, honestly not giving a shit about them.

I can’t help but glance down at her feet. She’s wearing her shoes. In fact, we all are. So, who’s shoes were we looking for? My mind spins with the confusion but before I can question it, Noah and Rivers are dragging the three of us out the door.

The second we break through the front door, Noah is pulling his phone out. “Hey man,” he says down the line. “I’m bringing your girl home. She’s fucked up.”

Whoever is on the other end says something and Noah quickly hangs up.

“Get in the car,” he orders us.

Rivers reaches around Tully and opens the back door for us and Kaylah instantly slides in. I go next and scoot across as Tully bends forward. She takes a step and somehow crashes down into the car. “Fuck, my nose,” she grumbles with her face down on the car floor and her ass up in the air.

Noah angrily revs the car as Rivers helps her into her seat and before I know it, we’re speeding down the road in the opposite direction of Haven Falls.

We drive into Broken Hill and the whole way I ignore the furious glances that come shooting at me through the rearview mirror. Damn, he’s pissed, but he looks so good with his jaw clenched and the white knuckles on his steering wheel. I wonder what angry sex with Noah Cage would be like?

“If it’s anything like the angry sex I have with Jesse then you’re in for a treat.”

My head whips around to Kaylah. Did I say that out loud?

“You said that out loud too,” Rivers grumbles from the front seat.

Oh. Whoopsie.

We pull down a massive driveway with a huge gate out the front and I find myself climbing across Kaylah’s lap and gluing my face to the window of Noah’s Camaro. “Holy shit,” I breathe, staring up at the massive multimillion dollar mansion. “Is this where your boyfriend lives?”

“Uh huh,” she says with a dreamy smile.

“You got yourself a Daddy Warbucks.”

As Noah brings his car to a stop at the top of the circle drive, a very pissed off Jesse Ryder comes storming down his front steps. “Uh oh,” Kaylah murmurs. “Looks like I’m definitely up for some angry sex.”

At the look on Jesse’s face, Kaylah pushes her way out of Noah’s Camaro and instantly stumbles into him. Jesse catches her with ease and lets out a sigh. “Shit,” he groans before grabbing her and hauling her over his shoulder.

Jesse looks back at Noah. “Thanks. I owe you one.”

Noah just nods and a second later, takes off while Kaylah waves goodbye.

“Home time,” Tully declares.

“No,” Noah snaps, looking back up at me again. “One more stop.”

I swallow. I guess there’s no angry sex for me tonight. Just a whole lot of angry.

Chapter 6

I thought thinking that Monica was pregnant with Noah’s baby and having a bunch of whores jump me was the worst thing to ever happen to me. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Noah having the shits with me, well, that’s a whole new level of awful.

I woke on Saturday morning feeling more than sorry for myself. The first half of the day I was trying to put all the fuzzy puzzle pieces together and remember what the hell had actually happened. It didn’t take too long to recall the purple drink and the joint Spencer had so willingly supplied us. The rest though…that’s still coming back to me in bits and pieces.

Noah had dropped me at my door. He didn’t even bother walking me in or saying goodnight. I mean, I knew from the second he saw us that he had the shits with us, but I didn’t realize just how bad it was until I didn’t get a kiss goodnight.

My high was instantly shattered and I slipped through the front door of my home, past dad’s sleeping form on the couch and into my bed where I dug the packet of potato chips out of my drawer, and sulked until every last one of them were gone.

It’s now Monday afternoon and Noah hasn’t said a word to me. Hell, he’s barely even looked my way all day, just walked around with a scowl on his face, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. Tully warned me over the weekend that he gets like this when he’s pissed off. He shuts down and doesn’t like to talk about it. It’s like his way of punishing me, but she promised that he’ll come around. He always does.

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