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Unbelievable (Haven Falls 2)

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I shake my head knowing Tully is way too stubborn for that shit. “Sorry,” I tell him. “She’ll love you as the friend you’ve always known and that will probably take time, but you’re going to have to work your ass off to get anywhere near her heart ever again.”

With that, I walk out the door, wondering how the hell I’d just gotten the whole ‘today is going to be awesome’ thing so freaking wrong.

Chapter 16

Tully has skanked around with just about every guy she can get her hands on and it’s driving Rivers insane.

She absolutely loves it. Not the skanking around part, it’s the dramatic reactions she pulling out of her man, and I say her man because he so very clearly is. The two of them are just too idiotic to see it. Well, maybe they do see it, but Rivers is too stubborn to take her from the girl who stands beside him in our pack to the woman of his dreams.

It’s ridiculous, but what’s even better is that Noah is so blind to it all, it’s actually quite amusing. Don’t get me wrong, he can tell that something went down and he’s assuming that it was a fight just like they always do. He would never guess that they actually went there.

I don’t know how he’s going to react when he actually finds out, but it’s put me in a weird position. Tully told me about Rivers in confidence and what kind of friend would I be if I went blabbing to her twin brother? But on the other hand, he’s my boyfriend and he’s going to feel betrayed if…no when he finds out that I’ve known all along and didn’t say anything.

Though, my honest opinion is that it needs to come from Rivers. He’s the one who’s going to be on his knees begging for forgiveness for defiling his sister. Tully will get a head shake from him, maybe the silent treatment too. I will get a bit of hurt and a huge wave of guilt thrust upon me, but Rivers, he will get the absolute shit beat out of him. It’s not going to be pretty.

The silver lining here is watching Tully throw herself at all these guys, laughing and flirting but always keeping them at arm’s length. She reels them in, lets them pull her into their chests so they feel like the big man she pretends they are, she laughs and throws her head back, and the second Rivers storms off in a rage, the game is over. Tully steps back from the guy, gives him a polite smile, and swiftly returns to my side where she grins, proud of her accomplishment.

I don’t think she’s actually gone far with any of the guys, just a little flirting and maybe let them nibble on her neck a little, but as far as I’m aware, she’s kept her legs closed which certainly isn’t the Tully I know and love. Maybe after having Rivers all up in her business, she wants to keep it sacred, who the hell knows?

All I know is that if these two keep it up, it’s eventually going to go somewhere that neither one of them can come back from and that scares the crap out of me.

We sit on the beach, soaking up the sun, right by the waves so we can be close to Aria playing in the water as the boys did their disappearing act again this morning. I mean, there’s only so much of this being kept in the dark I can handle. The longer this not knowing crap goes on, the worse it makes my head spiral with ridiculous ideas.

God, it’s annoying.

I hate the unknown and the fact that it’s something he’s holding back from me just makes it that much worse. I guess it kind of makes me feel a little better about not telling him that Rivers made his sister feel all sorts of incredible with his piercing.

I mean, a piercing. I still can’t believe it. Every time I look at the guy, it’s all I can think about. I wonder how Noah would feel about getting one of those. Nah, no way. He wouldn’t have the balls to let some random person shove a needle through the tip of his dick. I mean, he’s hard as fuck, but when it comes to his manhood, he’s extremely protective. Tully must have nailed him a few too many times as a kid.

Aria’s high-pitched squeal steals my attention and my head whips around to the water, reminding me that I need to be doing a better job of supervising her in the water. I’m still trying to get used to this whole ‘parenting’ thing. I’m getting better, but let’s be real, I have no business looking after children.

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