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Undeniable (Haven Falls 5)

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“Your cousin is an idiot,” Tully tells her, reaching across and taking her hand. “Thank you, though. I really needed to hear that.”

Chapter 10

As Tully and Noah chat with Lacey about their sister and she becomes an extended family member, I can’t help but feel as though I’m intruding. This feels too private and if Noah wants to talk to me about it later, I’ll be all ears for him, but right now, he should be sharing this moment with his sister.

I let go of Noah’s hand and stand before stepping into his side and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll just be outside if you need me,” I tell him, making him nod before focusing back on Lacey.

I walk out of the room as a strange sense of jealousy comes over me that I can’t understand. Maybe it’s the thought that this stranger knew Lily and can share something with Noah and Tully that I’ll never be able to give. I never met the little girl and I so desperately wish I had. I feel as though I’ve missed out on something incredible and here this stranger is, showing up out of nowhere and can heal a part of their hearts which has been hurting for so damn long.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful that she’s come forward and shared her story with them, I just wish I was able to take that pain away for them.

I close the door behind me and start searching out my friends. Aiden and Spencer are hanging out with Jesse, Tyson, and Puck; all five of them looking pretty damn wasted already. I mean, someone should tell them to slow down. It’s not even eleven at night and if they keep going the way they’re going, none of them are going to make it home tonight.

I keep scanning the group and smile to myself as I find Kaylah standing with Brooke and Tora. I start making my way over there. I’ve missed Kaylah. I see her every now and then but it’s nothing like the friendship we used to have. I see now that what we shared for all those years was a friendship built on distrust and lies that neither of us was mature enough to see.

While I thought we were so close at the time, looking back now, I realize it wasn’t good at all. What kind of friends can’t be honest with the other and share what’s inside their heart without fear of being shut down?

Kaylah was a great friend for so long and was exactly what I needed at the time. We have so many incredible memories together, but being a little bit older and a little more mature, I can see now what I couldn’t before.

I’m so damn lucky to have found Tully. She’s the definition of what an incredible friend should be. She supported me when I showed interest in her brother, she pushes me to be my best self, and she never gets jealous if I was to achieve a goal she hasn’t. She’s the prime example of an incredible person and on top of that, she’s not afraid to tell me when I’m acting like a bitch.

No one has ever had my back the way that Tully has, and I absolutely love her for it. I swear, everybody should have a Tully in their life.

I start making my way through the other people from Broken Hill who Maxen must know from school when a large, gloved hand slams down over my mouth. I try to scream out but the hand muffles it.

An arm wraps around my body and I slam my elbow back into the guy’s stomach, but he’s standing too close for me to get much momentum for a good hit. He starts dragging me away and there are too many bodies, too many flashing lights and music for anyone to notice what the hell is going on.

I frantically search out Noah as I’m dragged back towards the exit of the VIP area. Once in the shadows, the guy grabs me and throws me over his shoulder so damn quickly that it’s impossible to get a read on his face.

I kick and slam my hands down on his back, doing my best to claw at his arms, anything I can think of to get free. I scream until my lungs give out, desperately wishing for just one person to notice what’s going on but they’re all too immersed in the race, the alcohol, and their friends to see that I’m in trouble.

The guy races down the stairs, somehow managing to do it quickly with me on his shoulder. His shoulder slams into my stomach as he drops down to the bottom step and hits the pavement which is when he really runs. He curls his arm over the back of my legs holding me down as he goes, stopping me from being able to pull myself free.

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