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Unbreakable (Haven Falls 6)

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I think my nerves are getting the best of me. Tully and I have this all sorted but I can’t help but feel jittery. We even have it worked out where we’re going to meet for lunch and at what time. We know which part of the library we plan on using for studying, we know all the places to stay away from to avoid getting caught up in the wrong crowds, and we even know which outdoor seating area is going to be the best for trolling for Tully’s potential boyfriends. We got this sorted.

Though, something tells me we won’t be needing to search for guys. Spencer is doing a pretty good job of keeping her in his sights. I can’t wait to see what happens there. It’s going to be an absolute trainwreck and it’s going to be incredible to watch. Something tells me there’s going to be more than a fair share of shutdowns and epic rejections.

Before I know it, it’s quarter past eight and dad is grabbing my things and shoving them into my hands. “I told you, I’m going to be fine.”

“And I told you that no kid of mine is going to be unprepared for her first day of college. I don’t care if you’re the first person there, sitting on the front steps like a loner. It’ll give you a chance to look over your textbooks.”

I roll my eyes and get up from the table. “Fine, I’ll get going.”

Dad seems to relax and I smother a grin. He’s getting so easy to torture in his old age.

I walk to the door and can hardly make it through it with Aria attaching herself to my legs. “Don’t be nervous about making new friends,” she tells me. “If you’re really nice and share your lunch, then everyone will love you.”

I grin down at her. “Thanks, Squirt. I’ll give it a try and report back at the end of the day.”

“Ok,” she says, beaming up at me as dad peels her off my leg.

I give her a little wave and head out to my car with Noah right by my side, knowing dad would prefer that I skip over the whole ‘goodbye, have a great day’ bullshit with him. After all, he’s already choked up once this morning and would never put himself through that a second time in as many hours. So instead, he simply just smiles, knowing that he’s done everything he possibly can ensure that I come out of this new adventure with my head held high.

I walk around to the passenger side of my car as Noah unlocks the door for me. Placing everything down on the seat, I double check that I have what I need despite having already gone over it a hundred times.

As I close the door and make my way around to the other side, Noah catches me and pulls me into his arm. “You’re going to be the best damn scientist this country has ever seen.”

“I don’t know about that,” I laugh, knowing that’s definitely a stretch. I mean, I just want to be able to study DNA. There are people out there who are able to do incredible things with their minds and I’d just be happy to even get to study the kind of work they’ve already accomplished. But then, who knows where this next chapter of my life could take me. College could open my eyes to things that I haven’t even discovered about myself yet, and I’m so damn excited to see where it takes me.

My hands find his chest as he looks down at me. “You’re going to do incredible things, Spitfire, and I can’t wait to see you shine.”

“Is Tully going to be mad that you came over here to see me off instead of her? You know, today is a big deal for her too.”

Noah shrugs. “She knows I love her.”

I can’t help but laugh. “You know, I kind of love you too.”

Noah leans his head into mine. “Just kind of?” he questions with a teasing sparkle in his eyes.

I smile, absolutely loving his games. “Mmhmm.”

“Then I’ll just ‘kind of’ give you a goodbye kiss then.”

I suck in a breath. A ‘kind of’ kiss is nothing compared to his full blown, give-it-all-he’s-got-kiss and I refuse to get in my car without getting what I need to start my day off. But then, playing him at his own game is too good to pass up and I know for a fact that he won’t let me leave today without kissing me like he’ll never taste my lips again.

“Oh, ok then,” I shrug stepping out of his arms and giving him an innocent smile. “I’ll see you later then. Be safe at work.”

I go to walk away, but Noah’s hand catches onto my wrist. “Well played, Spitfire.” He yanks me back into him and catches me with ease, one hand around my waist and the other tilting my chin up to meet his.

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