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One Unforgettable Weekend

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She seemed to feel the same way. They both tugged at each other’s clothes, her silk and his cotton being tossed unceremoniously onto the floor. The moment new skin was exposed, they’d stop to caress and taste the newfound territory before moving on.

The next thing he knew they were both completely naked and falling back onto his bed. The queen-size mattress had a good bit of give, breaking their fall and sending them bouncing several inches back into the air. Between laughter and kisses, they settled into the bed, pushing aside pillows and blankets until they were fully aligned and unfettered.

This first time, Aidan knew, would be about letting the pressure off. Months of denial, days of wanting and not touching, had built up between them. Romance, was all out the window in the quest to satiate the need inside them both.

“Condom,” Violet whispered between panting breaths as Aidan knelt between her thighs and sucked hard at her breast. He teased at her opening, pressing into her moist flesh. She was right. He knew if he didn’t stop now to get it, he would do something they both regretted.

Not that doing the right thing last time had made a bit of difference. They’d used plenty of condoms without fail, and yet they had a son together anyway. This time, as he reached for the bedside drawer, he was comforted to see he’d purchased a different brand than before. Just to be safe.

Aidan slipped the latex over the length of his desire and returned his lips to hers. His hands caressed her breasts, her rib cage, then slid down her side to her hips, where his fingertips pressed into the ample flesh of her rear. He held her perfectly still as he slowly moved forward. When he was fully buried in her welcoming warmth, he let out a ragged breath of relief.

He’d thought he’d never experience this divine feeling with Violet again and yet against all odds, she was in his bed. He hadn’t expected it or planned for it when he’d walked in the front door that night, and yet here he was, reliving his fantasy with her.

Violet drew her legs up and wrapped them around his hips, pulling him deeper. Aidan let out a groan, smothering it against her lips.

“Give me everything you’ve got,” Violet whispered with a twinkle of mischief in her dark eyes.

Aidan didn’t hesitate to fill her request. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight and still against him as he began thrusting hard into her. Again and again he pounded into her body to the chorus of Violet’s muffled cries. She buried her face in his neck to stifle the sounds, alternating between moans and sharp nips against his throat.

It was all too much for him to take—overstimulation to the max. As much as he wanted to hold on, to make this moment last all night, he couldn’t maintain this for much longer. She was too beautiful, it felt too good and his senses were on overload. He was counting down to his climax, but before he could give into it, he felt Violet start to squirm and buck her hips hard against him. He responded in kind, thrusting harder and faster until he felt her start to tense and finally come undone beneath him.

At last she broke into a silent scream as she clawed at his back. Her head went back and her body bowed up against his, then began to shudder and writhe with her pleasurable spasms. Her inner muscles clamped down on Aidan and before he could stop himself, he found his own release inside of her.

Then, just as quickly as the moment had come upon him, it was over. After hovering over her, breathing hard in his recovery, Aidan rolled onto his back and pulled away. Snuggling was nice, but leaking condoms were not. He needed to deal with that. And then...he realized he wasn’t quite sure what to do after that point.

Their constant live wire of sexual tension had propelled them forward faster than their burgeoning relationship called for. After taking that leap to intimacy, where did that leave them? Were they dating now? Was it a onetime thing? Would she want him to stay in the bed with her or would the awkwardness fill the space that had once held passion? Aidan wanted to avoid an embarrassing situation between them at all costs. They would be spending the next week together in close quarters no matter what happened tonight.

Finally he got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. That was step one. He’d worry about the rest after that. When he returned to the bedroom, he grabbed a pillow and a pair of jogging shorts to take with him to the sofa. That was easier than asking if she wanted him to go.

“Where are you going?” Violet asked, still naked and strewn temptingly across his mattress.

Aidan shrugged. “To sleep on the couch.”

Violet arched a brow at him and chuckled as she pushed up onto her elbows. “Do you really think that’s a necessary precaution after everything that just happened between us?”

That was a good question. A part of him was relieved that she didn’t expect him to leave. But he had promised her this room and that he would sleep on the couch when they discussed staying here. He didn’t intend to break his word, but with her lying naked in his bed, tangled in his sheets with swollen lips and tousled hair, he didn’t really want to walk away, either.

To be honest, he wanted her again. Slowly. A second chance to take his time and indulge his every sense in her body. By the light of morning, everything might change and he needed to make the most of this while he could. “I don’t know,” he answered.

“You get back into this bed right now!” she demanded at his hesitation. Then she smiled with the wicked glint returning to her eyes. “I’m not done with you yet.”

This time he was all too happy to comply.


Violet was having a hard time focusing today.

Aidan was in the office going over plans and paperwork for his grant and she couldn’t concentrate on the task at hand. Not with him looking at her so seductively and smelling like her favorite tasty treat—him. All she could think about was burying her face in his throat, tasting his skin and drawing his distinctly male scent into her lungs.

Practically, she knew she should regret last night, but she had a hard time making herself feel that way. It didn’t feel like a mistake to give into her desires for Aidan. It felt like the most natural thing in the world. Their time together in the past had been so amazing it was difficult to deny herself something she knew they both wanted. They’d wanted it enough to succumb to temptation four times that night before the sun came up. Every movement of her body brought an achy reminder of their time together.

Then again, their situation was more complicated than it had been the first time they came together. She tried not to let herself go down the rabbit hole of wondering what it would mean if they continued to see each other, and how they would handle other people finding out about them. Violet had no concerns about Aidan’s background, job or financial situation, but she knew others would feel differently. Like her parents. Their friends. She wanted to protect Aidan from the uglier parts of her social circles—the ones that would judge and whisper about him. They did it about everyone for one reason or another, but he would be fresh meat for the gossipmongers. He didn’t deserve to be dragged through the mud just for being with Violet.

But really, there was no “them,” so her worries were premature. Yes, they shared a child and for a short period of time, an apartment, but sleeping together one night wasn’t a guarantee of a relationship by any means.

And for now, she was okay with that. Relationships were hard work, if the one with Beau was anything to compare to, and they both had enough on their plate right now. Giving in to their attraction and having fun while they were together was almost therapeutic—a stress reliever better than a glass of wine or a run on the treadmill. Could the physical turn into more? There was certainly that possibility, but that didn’t make her want him any less.

Right now, she couldn’t imagine anything that would be a turnoff where Aidan was concerned. To be honest, if she knew her assistant, Betsy, might leave early today, she’d lock her office door and let him take her across her desk. All he’d have to do was push up her skirt...

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