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Bound to Her Desert Captor

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Her head came up, a betraying blush burning her face when she realised he had caught her staring.

‘I’m agreeing with you. You become my fiancée for three nights and four days and when your brother returns, as long as my sister is unharmed, I’ll let him leave the country. Unharmed.’ He prowled towards her and she unconsciously backed up a step at the light of battle in his eyes. ‘Rest assured, though.’ He stopped just short of touching her. ‘If my sister is hurt in any way I’ll kill him, are we clear?’

‘Rest assured,’ Regan fired back at him. ‘If my brother has caused your sister harm in any way you won’t have to kill him—I will. But he won’t have,’ she added softly. ‘Chad isn’t like that. He’s not a macho kind of guy who takes what he wants. He’s kind and considerate.’

‘Unlike me?’ he suggested silkily.

‘I didn’t say that.’

‘You didn’t have to, habiba; your face is very expressive.’

God, she hoped not.

‘Like for the last half hour,’ he murmured, taking another step towards her, ‘you’ve been wondering what it would be like to kiss me.’

Regan sputtered out some unintelligible noise that might have had the words ‘massive’ and ‘ego’ in it, her hands coming up between them to press firmly against his hard, naked chest. She bit her lip against the urge to slide them up that warm wall of muscle and twine them together at the nape of his neck. ‘You’re wrong,’ she husked.

A light came into his eyes that turned her lips as dry as his dusty desert land. ‘I’m not wrong. Your pupils are dilated and your pulse is hammering, begging for me to put my mouth on it.’

His words caused hot colour to surge into her face. ‘That’s fear.’

His eyes lifted to hers. ‘Fear of what?’ he asked softly. ‘That I will kiss you, or that I won’t?’

Regan started to shake her head, a soft cry escaping her lips when his hands threaded into her hair and framed her face. His gaze held hers for an interminable second and then something coalesced behind his blue eyes and his head lowered to hers.

Regan’s body jerked against his, her hands gripping his wrists with the intention of dragging them away from her, but it didn’t happen. His mouth moved on hers with such heat and skill she went still beneath the onslaught. He gave a husky groan as his tongue traced the line between her lips, urging them to part. Sensation rocked through her and without any conscious thought her lips were shaping themselves to his, her mouth matching his hungry intensity.

With consummate skill, he completely controlled the kiss, one of his hands tunnelling further into her hair, angling her head so he could deepen the contact, the other pressed to the small of her back, urging her lower body to fit against his.

At the feel of his rock-hard desire, Regan moaned, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, her senses spinning out of control as she moved against him, her neck arching for the glide of his lips and tongue scraping against her skin.

He made a growling noise in the back of his throat that she felt deep in her pelvis, making her ache.

‘Regan, I...’ His lips returned to hers, his tongue exploring her mouth with a carnal intimacy that shocked her, the kiss going from hot to incendiary within seconds.

Regan heard herself moan, felt awash with sensations she couldn’t contain. Her breasts were heavy and aching, desperate for relief, and her pelvis felt hollow. Beyond thought or reason her hands kneaded his shoulders, her fingers pushing aside his shirt to stroke his heated flesh.

He vibrated against the contact and his own hands must have moved, because suddenly he was cupping her breast, his thumb strumming the hard nub of her nipple, drawing a keening sound from deep inside her. She felt the need in him ramp up, his movements hungrier, more urgent as his hands skimmed over her body, his fingers tugging on her blouse to release the row of buttons, revealing the upper swell of her breasts to his lips and teeth.

Regan’s hands gripped fistfuls of his hair, urging him closer. ‘Jaeger... Jag. Please...’ His name on her lips seemed to shift something in both of them. He lifted his mouth from her body, his breathing hard, his eyes almost black.

She sucked in a breath, tried to clear her head. She saw shock register on his face and knew instantly that he regretted what had just happened.

‘Why did you do that?’ She touched her fingers to her tender lips, swollen from the force of his kisses.

His eyes narrowed on her, somehow a lot clearer than hers. ‘I’ve wanted to taste you since the first moment I met you. Now I have.’ He stepped further away from her, his eyes mirroring the mental distance he was placing between them as well as the physical. ‘Tomorrow you will be provided with a wardrobe that should cover everything you need for the next four days. As long as you stick to your side of the agreement, I’ll stick to mine.’

With that he pivoted on his feet and walked out of the door.

As soon as it clicked closed Regan let out a pent-up breath and pressed her hand to her abdomen.

‘I’ve wanted to taste you since the first moment I met you. Now I have.’

Her hand trembled as she pushed her hair back from her face.

Was he serious?

How could he kiss her like that and then walk away? How was that possible when she felt as if her world had been tipped upside down and shaken loose?

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