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The Italian's Virgin Acquisition

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‘Yes. As a matter of fact, he did. Do you have a problem with that?’

‘Take it from me,’ he said with lethal softness. ‘You’re selling yourself too cheap.’

Poppy made a choking sound in the back of her throat. ‘I can’t believe you just said that.’

‘Dio!’ He stalked away from her and then back, frustration vibrating through his big body. ‘You know, you would try the patience of a saint.’

‘I would!’

He towered over her, all six-foot-four of outraged male, and for one heart-stopping moment Poppy thought he was going to pull her into his arms and kiss her. And she wanted him to kiss her. So desperately it made her knees tremble.

‘I did not mean to insult you,’ he said stiffly.

Poppy’s chin jerked up. ‘Well, you did. But unfortunately for you, your grandfather thought you’d date someone who would wear this watch, so you’ll just have to deal with it.’

His mouth flattened into a grim line. ‘I doubt my grandfather made it past your dazzling smile to even notice the watch,’ he growled. ‘Wear the clothes, don’t wear the clothes; I don’t care. Just make this look real.’

He stared at her as if he had a lot more to say on the subject but thought better of it, stalking out of the room and leaving a vacuum of deflated air in his wake.

Poppy sank down onto the edge of the bed. She was stunned by the argument they had just had. She never argued. Never. Easygoing by nature, she was the kind of person who got along with everyone, both men and women. So he had bought her clothes for the weekend, so what? It wasn’t as if she wanted him to like her for herself. She didn’t care what he thought of her. It was unlikely that she’d ever get to work for SJC in the future anyway so...what was her problem?

Sexual frustration, a small voice said. Sexual frustration for a man who was using her, just like every other person she had ever got close to other than Maryann.

She sighed. She was going to have to get over the fact that she disliked that he was using her too and figure out how to play the game. Because she had agreed to this deal and, if he wanted some besotted girlfriend to convince his grandparents that he was a reformed rake, then that was exactly what he was damned well going to get!


‘POPPY, THIS IS my grandmother, Evelina. Nonna, this is Poppy Connolly.’

‘Buongiorno, Poppy, come stai? It is lovely to finally meet you. Giuseppe spoke so highly of you.’

Poppy beamed at the beautifully coiffed Italian woman and wound her arm through Sebastiano’s, leaning against his side to give the impression of the picture-perfect girlfriend. ‘It’s nice to meet you too. You have a beautiful home.’ Which was an understatement. The pale pink mansion that was built on a rugged bluff in the heart of the Amalfi coast, and surrounded by palatial gardens, was a place mere mortals only got to see in Vogue Living. Or Bond films. And she should know. Simon had made her sit through enough of those of late.

‘Thank you. Now, please, you must come inside. It is a sunny day but winter still has us in its grip.’

As they made their way up the stone steps to the portico entrance, Poppy gazed up at Sebastiano adoringly. ‘Thank you for bringing me, darling.’

His eyes glittered down into hers. ‘My pleasure, pumpkin,’ he murmured, his eyes conveying a warning that he was unhappy, though why that should be was beyond her. This whole charade made her nervous, and he was the one who had told her to make it look real between them.

‘Come through to the living room,’ Evelina bade them. ‘I’ve organised refreshments.’

Stepping into a lavish room straight out of a bygone century, Poppy headed straight for the large picture windows that showcased the deep-blue sea and rugged coastline beyond. Magnificent candy-coloured houses perched along the hillside while sleek-hulled yachts bobbed in the harbour. ‘Oh, wow,’ she murmured. ‘I’d heard the Italian Riviera was beautiful but this is something else.’

‘Is this your first time in Italy, Poppy?’

‘Yes.’ She smiled at Evelina. ‘It’s my first time out of England.’ She moved to stand beside Sebastiano and didn’t have to look at him to know he was on edge. ‘I was so surprised when Sebastiano invited me, wasn’t I, honey?’

She smiled up at him, trying to coax an answering smile from him, but when it came it was more of a snarl. ‘You certainly were.’

‘Then you must make sure you show Poppy some of our wonderful country, Sebastiano. Do you take cream in your coffee, Poppy?’

‘Yes, thank you.’ She took the dainty cup Evelina offered and sipped at the rich brew. ‘Oh, this is heavenly.’ She breathed, closing her eyes to better savour the taste. ‘I’d heard that Italy does the best coffee.’

‘Where is Nonno?’ Sebastiano barked impatiently, his eyes blazing down at her as if she was somehow responsible for his grandfather’s absence.

‘He is still at the office,’ his grandmother murmured. ‘He was delayed but said to tell you he would be back in time for dinner.’

Catching Sebastiano’s irritated glance at his watch, Poppy hunted around for a distraction and found it in the form of a cluster of framed photos on the far wall. So far she was doing all the work in making their relationship look authentic and she was fast running out of ideas on how to keep it up. ‘Are these family photos?’ she asked, feeling Sebastiano stiffen beside her.

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