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Stunt Doubled: A Movie Star Standalone

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I had the door open almost before Ford put the truck into park. I unceremoniously deposited Ronnie out onto the driveway and undid my seatbelt. She turned to me, and in the glow from the streetlight, I could see the excitement glint in her eyes. She thought we were still playing… but I couldn’t now that I knew that excitement wasn’t caused by me.

Averting her eyes, I strode past her and got my keys out. She and Ford caught up by the time I got the damn door open.

“Tanner?” Ford began as I skirted the living room sofa and headed to my room.

“I’m going to hit the sack,” I said as casually as possible. Not for the first time, I wished I had some of Aiden’s acting skills. Not so that I could have his career, but it sure as hell would come in handy in times like this. “You two kids have fun.”

Light filled the room behind me as I entered the hallway. My room was steps ahead, and once I got there, I’d have privacy to process this. I heard whispers behind me and wondered if they knew I was upset.

But I shouldn’t be. I had no right to be. Ronnie and I had kissed once. It wasn’t a commitment, nor had I wanted it to be. She’d done nothing wrong. Neither of them had.

“Tanner?” The feminine voice was harder to ignore than Ford’s—as was the soft hand that slipped into mine. “Will you stay out here with us?”

I stopped and couldn’t help raising my arm, letting her slide under it. She pressed against my side and looked up at me. “Please don’t go.”

Was that guilt talking? Except… her dark eyes didn’t look guilty. They looked aroused. I turned and saw Ford a few feet away. His eyes gave away nothing, but he nodded. We’d shared women before, but it was always the three of us. Since Aiden and Ronnie still weren’t on the best of terms, I hadn’t even considered the possibility of sharing Ronnie.

But I was considering it now.

Ronnie smiled up at me when I looked back down at her. Her lithe body was pressing into me in a way that reminded me of waking up next to a woman nestled against my side.

“Is that really what you want?” I asked her.

“It really, really is,” she breathed.

I looked at Ford one more time.

“It was her idea, Tan.”

“And you’re—?”

“I know how to share with my friends,” he said simply. After that, my body cut my mind out of the decision. After the intimacy during the ride home, I was aching to have my hands on Ronnie’s hot little body. Having an extra pair of hands just meant we could drive her to new heights of pleasure.

I couldn’t fucking wait to hear what she sounded like when she came. Sinking my hand into her hair, I tugged on it, tilting her head back. Her lips were already swollen, but I was betting I could make them more so.

She moaned as I ravished her mouth. There was no starting out slow—she was already revved and primed and ready to go. As she whimpered, I broke off the kiss and spun her around to face Ford.

“Get on the couch,” he told her. “Now.” Ronnie moaned again and hastened past him to obey.

Ford grinned at me, anticipation in his eyes.

All in all, I wasn’t unhappy about this unexpected turn of events. The three of us were going to have a lot of fun tonight.



This can’t be happening, I thought as I hurried toward the couch. Sure, it had happened to Emma and Maddie, but their lives had turned out like something from a freaking fairy tale. I lived in the real world where bad things happened and truly good things were rare.

Except something amazing was happening now. The two men I liked were both going to touch me. And kiss me. And hopefully, a whole lot more. And they both were okay with it. Maybe Tanner had been upset when we got home—from what I could tell, he’d figured out that Ford and I hadn’t just been shooting the breeze in the truck before he arrived. But he seemed on board now.

And speaking of things that were as hard as a board, his erection had felt massive on the way home. It was like sitting on a speed bump… and it had gotten me more turned on than ever.

I put my hand on the back of the couch and vaulted over it like a gymnast. Someone chuckled behind me, and I heard Ford say, “Someone’s eager.” The hall light went off and then I heard a lamp switch on behind me. It was probably the miniature one on the piano. It provided a small amount of light but there was still enough darkness to feel truly free to be naughty as hell.

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