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Stunt Doubled: A Movie Star Standalone

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“That’s great!” She and Aiden had rehearsed the scene so many times that I’d ended up falling asleep on a bench with my head on Tanner’s lap. But apparently, all their hard work yesterday had paid off.

“Oh, and I haven’t even told you the best part yet. Henderson wasn’t even there! Aiden got the director to fly out to film it. I felt a million times better once I heard that that pervert wasn’t going to be there.”

“What? Aiden didn’t say he was coming.” I’d never even laid eyes on the man.

“He didn’t tell me about it in case the director wasn’t able to come. He—Aiden, I mean—didn’t want to get my hopes up. Who would’ve thought that underneath it all, he was actually a kind man?”

Certainly not me. But I had to admit to being impressed with everything he’d done for Sierra.

Sierra didn’t seem to care that I had no comment on that one. “And he’s a real professional. I could learn a few things from him. I think I have, actually. And none of it would’ve happened if you hadn’t convinced him to help me.” I nodded even though I wasn’t entirely sure of Aiden’s motivation for turning into a good guy and helping Sierra. Had he done it because of my speech about mentoring actors at the beginning of their career? Or had he done it because he thought perhaps Sierra could become someone special to him?

“Anyway, I owe you big time,” she continued. “I should’ve brought you fries or something.”

That made us both laugh. “We’ll have a drink to celebrate sometime.”

“Yeah, maybe we can go back to that bar in Colorado. I liked your friend Kylie.”

“That sounds like fun.” I took a quick gulp of my iced tea. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to cut this short—I’ve got a training session with Ford. We’re working on jump kicks.”

Sierra grinned. “Want me to come direct?”

“I think we’ll manage.”

“Okay, have fun.”

I thought about how much I loved challenging myself by learning new things from Ford. “I will.”

I was right, I did have fun—right up until I got kicked in the face. One moment, everything was fine. Ford and I were taking turns kicking and ducking. We had it down like clockwork. He spun around, his foot high in the air. I crouched down, letting his kick sail over my head. We never even got that close—it would just look like it had been a near miss from the right camera angle.

And then I started noticing how long and lean Ford’s muscles were. He had on sweatpants and nothing else. His pecs flexed when he moved, and his biceps glistened with sweat. Though I tried to focus, my mind kept returning to the orgasm he’d given me last night and the dirty things he’d whispered in my ear.

And then his foot connected with my cheek and I dropped to the mats.

“Ronnie!” Ford’s initial cry faded as he crouched down next to me. He grabbed my chin and positioned me so that he could look into my eyes. Apparently deciding that I wasn’t seriously hurt, he got seriously pissed.

“You can’t lose focus when you’re doing stunts,” he scolded. “Ever. That’s how you get yourself or your partner hurt.”

Then Tanner was there. “Back off.” I’d seen him doing some body-weight exercises when I came in, but I’d almost forgotten he was here.

“But she—”

“Go get her some ice.”

To my surprise, Ford did what Tanner said. I tried to smile at the stunt double, but that made my cheek hurt.

“It’ll feel better with an ice pack,” Tanner said gently. “Trust me, I know.”

“It really was my fault,” I told him.

“You’re still learning. He’s the one who’s supposed to know better.” I tried to argue but talking hurt. “Can you sit up?” Tanner asked.

“I think so.” Very gently, he helped me to a sitting position. Then he hoisted me to my feet. He kept his arm around me as he led me over to a chair, but I winced when I sat. Every movement made my cheek hurt. “You don’t think it’s broken, do you?”

“No, it’s not.” Ford had returned with an ice pack and a towel that he handed to Tanner. Then he crouched down and watched as Tanner gently applied the towel-covered pack to my cheek.

I took it from him. “Thanks.”

Tanner crouched down on my other side and took a deep breath. “I’m afraid you’re going to have a shiner.”

The concern in his voice nearly made me smile until I remembered how much that would hurt. “It won’t be the first time.” I tried to move my mouth as little as possible when I spoke to minimize the pain.

Tanner’s eyes grew wide. “Did someone… hit you?”

“God, no. I just meant…” I trailed off. It hurt too much to talk. I needed some ibuprofen or something.

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