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Just One Spark (The Kingston Family 4)

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He grabbed a chair someone slid out from the wings, walked to center stage, and straddled it and crooned to the audience. Or so it seemed. But to Cassidy, his gaze had locked on hers and he sang directly to her.

Despite knowing that he was every woman’s fantasy, she was the one he’d walked into this venue with, making a loud statement to the world. And if reality and fantasy had begun to mix in her mind, she had to admit she was on one hell of a ride. She’d stepped into an alternate universe where she was the sole focus of a rock star’s attention. And she had to admit it felt really good.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur of fun and excitement. The Original Kings hadn’t had new music out this year. Not up for any awards, once they’d performed, they were able to relax. The guys filtered into the theater area and took their seats in between live performances, until finally, a sweaty Dash joined them.

He switched seats with Xander so he could sit next to Cassidy, then grabbed her hand and kept it tight in his lap the rest of the night. She felt his hard-on against her skin.

His obvious desire was leftover adrenaline from his performance, or so she tried to convince herself. It didn’t work. She knew how much he desired her from the way his thigh pressed close to hers and the swell of his erection pulsed against her hand.

There was no way she could deny how much she wanted him, too.

* * *

Dash had no desire to hit the VMA after-party at Club TEN29 in Tribeca. From the moment he’d seen Cassidy dressed up in leather, all he’d wanted was to toss her over his shoulder, find a bedroom, and fuck her all night. Good thing he’d had to perform, or nothing would have stopped him from acting on his desires. Nothing but Cassidy saying no and that possibility wasn’t one he wanted to consider.

They walked out to the limousine, and he waited until they were inside before turning to talk. They had plenty of time while the limo idled, waiting for the other cars in front of them to pull out first.

“So how was your first awards show?” Dash wanted to know what she’d thought of his performance but didn’t want to ask.

He’d barely gotten the words out before she’d pressed him against the seat and sealed her mouth over his. He was stunned but didn’t plan to waste a moment. He kissed her, not holding back, because finally Cassidy wanted him.

Her tongue darted into his mouth and rubbed against his. Sparks shot through his system and his cock thickened, growing hard against his leather pants. She slicked her tongue across his bottom lip and pulled at it with her teeth.

He let out a groan and arched his hips, stunned when she swung one leg over his lap and straddled him, rubbing her pussy against his erection.

“Fuck,” he said on a groan, worried he was going to come in his pants. “Why am I getting so lucky?”

She didn’t hesitate. “Watching you on stage turned me on,” she admitted, her long lashes batting over green eyes that sparkled despite the dark limo.

“And the open bar during the show helped things along?”

She rested her hands on the shoulders of his jacket. “I admit it helped, but I already made a decision going into tonight.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah?” His heart rate picked up speed.

She wouldn’t be sitting on his lap, her legs spread, if she hadn’t changed her mind about being with him. A quick fuck wasn’t what he wanted from her, but he had no idea where her mind was, if she wanted to go deep like he did. And he didn’t just mean physically.

She pulled back, her gaze on his. “I’m aware that the times you’ve kissed me lately haven’t been for anyone’s benefit but yours. No photographers or fans. So you want me.”

He rolled her ponytail in his hand and tugged, enjoying the low moan that escaped from her throat. “Oh, I want you, all right, but I want more than–”

She hushed him with a finger over his lips. He licked her salty skin and her eyes dilated. “You can have sex. We can have sex while we’re pretending to be together. And when the fake relationship is over, so are we.”

His gut twisted in disappointment, but he was nothing if not resourceful.

“Do we have a deal?” she asked.

He tugged on her hair again, rubbing his thumb against the silken strands. “I’ll take that deal,” he whispered in her ear, nipping at her lobe.

And he’d use every second of that time to show her what being his woman would mean. He’d make up for how he’d behaved and treat her like a queen. So when this fake relationship ended, all that remained between them would be one-hundred-percent real.

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