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Just One Spark (The Kingston Family 4)

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Later that night, alone in bed, she picked up her cell and began to scroll through the myriad photos she’d taken earlier today. The sheer fun and joy of the afternoon came rushing back along with the look in Dash’s eyes as he’d bracketed her against the glass overlooking the city, and her stomach twisted with profound need.

And then she remembered the Instagram engagement photos of Adam and his fiancée. Though Cassidy couldn’t deny how well Dash treated her or how he looked at her like she meant everything to him, her stomach still churned with worry. It wasn’t just the fact that he’d go on tour one day and be exposed to all the vices that came along with his status. It was her past that kept her in a near constant state of upheaval, too.

How the hell could Adam dump her by text after four years together? Was her radar that off where relationships were concerned? Had he been cheating on her while she traveled for work? And did that mean she shouldn’t trust her judgment … or Dash?

She shook her head, annoyed she could be so distrustful of a man who’d done everything to show her she was important to him.

No, she thought, she couldn’t lump Dash in with Adam. She needed to give him the benefit of the doubt because clearly he had strong feelings for her.

And God knew, she’d fallen hard for him.

* * *

The next morning, Cassidy realized Dash hadn’t come to her house last night. A glance at her phone told her he’d texted after she’d fallen asleep. He and the guys had started to play, and they were on to something with a song. He told her he was working through the night and planned to go see Heather in the morning. She winced on reading that, hoping he’d be okay. He’d also told her to take the day off and promised to be in touch later on.

She smiled, glad the music was flowing for them and equally worried about his talk with Billy’s sister. She admired the strength it took for him to face the woman after the scene she’d made last weekend.

After a shower, Cassidy sat with a cup of coffee and scrolled through the news on her cell. The phone in her hand rang, startling her. She didn’t recognize the number, but something made her answer anyway.


“Hi, is this Cassidy Forrester?” a somewhat familiar female voice asked.

“Yes? How can I help you?”

“Hi, Cassidy, it’s Joanne, Russell Wilson’s secretary.”

“Joanne! How are you?” When Cassidy had worked at an ad agency in LA before she’d met Sasha, Russell Wilson, the senior vice president of Fundamental Documentaries, had been a client. She and Joanne had talked often on the phone.

“I’m great! You?”

Cassidy smiled. “Same. So what are you doing reaching out?”

“Well, Russell moved to Netflix three months ago and took me with him,” Joanne said.

“Oh, wow! I hadn’t heard.” Then again Cassidy had been immersed in Sasha’s world, then moved to the Original Kings and music. “Congratulations! That’s a big jump.”

“Thank you. Russell would like to talk to you about a position on his team at Netflix. He’s working in the Original Content Division.”

“Oh, wow.” Cassidy’s heart began pounding in her chest. “Are you serious?”

Joanne laughed. “Would I be calling otherwise? He’s thinking you would make a wonderful creative director.”

Her hands began to tremble, but she steadied herself and took a deep breath. Once she’d pulled herself together, Cassidy cleared her throat and assumed a more professional tone.

“That’s very exciting. When would he like to talk?” She had no desire to live in Los Angeles again, where Netflix was located, when her family and friends were in New York, but Netflix was a huge opportunity. One she would be a fool not to at least consider.

“He’d like you to fly out and meet with him and other people on his team.”

Her mouth grew dry. “I appreciate the opportunity. Can I get back to you?”

“Of course, but soon, okay? He has a short list but you’re at the top.”

“Yes. I will be in touch soon. Thanks, Joanne. It’s great to hear from you.” Cassidy disconnected the call and stared at the screen, which had gone from the call back to the photos she’d been scrolling through.

Photos of her and Dash.

What would he say when she told him she’d been offered a job in LA for the world’s leading streaming service? What would Sasha think? Cassidy had committed to Sasha and her company, yet she had no doubt her friend would encourage her to explore such a huge opportunity. But Dash hadn’t made her any promises. And that scared her most of all.

* * *

Dash had returned home from a long session with the guys that had him high on their collaboration. At some point he’d crash hard from lack of sleep, but right now he was still fueled by adrenaline. Nothing was better than a jam session that resulted in new music. He couldn’t wait to share the news with Cassidy. He knew how happy she’d be to find out how well her brother gelled with the band.

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