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Just One Spark (The Kingston Family 4)

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“Funny,” Aurora muttered. “I cannot wait to see the film!”

“I’m so nervous, I’m not sure if the twisting in my stomach is the baby or anxiety!” Cassidy said, rubbing her lower back.

“Babe, you’ve got this. They’re already talking Oscar and Golden Globe nominations. I’m so proud of you.” Dash hugged her to his side.

“Don’t remind me,” she said, still holding on to her belly.

“Are you feeling okay?” Aurora asked, her face scrunched in concern.

Cassidy blew out a breath. “I am. I’m just tired. We made the rounds when we arrived,” she said, referring to how, in her role of producer, Cassidy had stopped and talked to everyone who mattered who had come tonight. Not to mention the entire Kingston clan and Harrison’s family who’d flown in from all corners of the country.

“And that’s why we found a place to hide out in for a little while,” Dash said.

Aurora nodded. “I remember how tough it was at the end of my pregnancy. You should get off your feet and rest.”

“She’s right,” Dash said, his concern also obvious.

Cassidy sighed. “Soon.” She glanced around and took in the people she hadn’t yet spoken to. “Looks like Harrison’s family is as close as yours.” She gestured to the people surrounding him, extremely handsome men whose genes were strong, their resemblance to one another impossible to miss.

“The Dirty Dares,” Aurora said with a smile, clearly amused by the name.

“Yes. Their vodka is world famous and extremely good… I wish I could have a drink before I have to sit through an hour and a half of everyone watching the first movie I produced.”

“The doctor said you can have a small glass of white wine,” Dash reminded her.

“Oh, my God,” Aurora said, her voice shaking.

Cassidy glanced at the woman who looked suddenly pale.

“What’s wrong?” Dash immediately clasped his sister’s elbow and pulled her toward him.

She shook her head. “Nothing… I… There’s someone who looks familiar but…”

Cassidy turned to see one of the Dare men approaching.

“I … I need the ladies’ room,” she said and dashed away, leaving them confused.

Cassidy turned toward the Dares again only to see the man watching Aurora as she rushed off, a dazed expression on his face. Then he spun in the direction in which she’d gone.

“Do you know what that was about?” Cassidy asked Dash, who was only aware of his sister’s hasty retreat, not the man who’d gone after her.

Dash shook his head. “Not a clue but she looked like she saw a ghost.”

“I should go check on her,” Cassidy murmured, only to be stopped by a horrendous cramp. “Oh!” She doubled over, nearly falling against Dash as she grabbed her belly.

“What is it?” Dash grasped her shoulders and met her gaze. “Babe, talk to me.”

She blinked, the pain subsiding. “Nothing … I was just…” It felt like a bubble burst inside her, and water began trickling down her legs. “Oh, no. No, no, no. Not now!”


“My water broke!” she moaned.

“Looks like you won’t have to sit around for an hour and a half while all these people watch the first move you produced.” Dash meant it as a joke, but the fear in his eyes and on his face was real.

“Hey, guys.” Axel strode up to them, a drink in his hand. “How’s it going?”

Cassidy stepped back. The hem of her gown was wet, and a puddle of water sat on the floor while stuff still trickled down her legs. “My water broke,” she whispered.

Axel’s mouth opened wide. He glanced from Cassidy to Dash, who had frozen in place.

“Hey, Dash!” Axel’s voice rose above the din. “Now’s not the time to panic.” He shook Dash by the shoulders. “You hear me?”

Dash nodded. “I’m fine. Sorry. I’m good.”

Cassidy rolled her eyes. “You’d think he was having the baby.”

“What did you say about having a baby?” Jordan asked as she pulled Linc into their tight circle.

“My water broke. I need to get to the hospital without calling attention to myself. I don’t want to ruin this night for Sasha or Harrison.”

She knew this family, and they’d drop everything, including a movie premier they starred in, to come to the hospital to see their niece or nephew being born. And she didn’t want Dash’s mom to feel torn between her son and her daughter.

“Come on. Can you walk out of here?” Dash, his arm now around her, asked.

“If I don’t… Shit!” She bent over again at the pain that suddenly returned.

“Breathe through it,” Dash said, trying to comfort her.

“It’s subsiding.” Cassidy blew out a breath, knowing sweat now dotted her made-up face.

Dash cleared his throat. “We have time before the next contraction for me to get her out of here. In the meantime, you all go keep the family busy. Hopefully nobody will notice we’re gone.”

“Except Sasha and Xander, who we are sitting beside.”

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