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His Omega's Keeper

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“What if I just lay against you again? Like this?” I lay down on his chest, humming contentedly and let his shaft slide about halfway out of me.

“Ani…” Jake’s voice held a note of warning.

“Oh, come on, Jake—your knot can’t get into me this way,” I pointed out. “And it feels…comforting.”

“All right.” Jake sighed. “But no more breeding or coming—just relax and talk to me.”

“Okay,” I agreed, snuggling against him. I can’t explain the feeling of warmth and closeness I got, being so close to him. And I won’t lie—part of that was the fact that he was still inside me. I thought again of how I had ignored this part of myself—the sexual part—all my life, but now that it was awake it seemed to want all my attention.

Then I lost myself in the pleasure of just being close to Jake—just feeling warm and safe in his arms. As long as we could do this, I thought drowsily, I didn’t care what happened next.

But I’m sure I wouldn’t have thought that if I’d had any idea what was going to happen that night…


“All right, get on your hands and knees—both of you.” Tainer waved a pistol in my face, making me wince away from him. This was the first time we had seen him since Sorenson had banished him downstairs and I was not happy to renew the acquaintance.

“Get that gun out of our faces!” Jake snarled, pushing me behind him. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“The gun is a regrettable necessity, I’m afraid, Jacob,” Sorenson said loftily. “You don’t think I’ll just take the silver off you and trust that you’ll behave, do you?”

“Look, I’m not trying to get away, am I?” Jake demanded. “Ani needs to be knotted and bred—I’m not going anywhere until I do that.”

“Heard you’re gonna knot her in your fur form,” Tainer said, still holding the gun on us. “Always wanted to do that to a bitch. Didn’t know you Royals was gettin’ all kinky up there in your palace.”

“My father’s house is not a palace,” Jake said, glaring at him. “And ‘we Royals’ do what we have to in order to survive.”

“Well now you’re going to do what I tell you,” Sorenson said, frowning at both of us. “So listen up—this is how it’s going to go: First, Jacob, you will enter the Royal Omega and fill her with your shaft and your knot. Only when your knot is firmly seated inside her channel, will I remove the silver cuffs so that you may change into your fur form.”

“I can’t Shift while I’m inside her!” Jake looked aghast at the idea.

“You’ll have to or I’m not removing the cuffs!” Sorenson said, frowning. “You say she needs to be bred and the only way to breed her is in your fur form, so that’s the way you’re going to breed her!”

Jake and I exchanged a glance and I bit my lip. Oh God, what had we gotten ourselves into? And at the same time, how could we get ourselves out of it without doing what Sorenson demanded?

You can’t, whispered a little voice in my head. You’re going to have to do this, Ani—there’s no other way.

I could see that Jake was about to refuse, but then they would just make him knot me the regular way and I would get pregnant for sure! If the silver didn’t come off, he couldn’t Shift and if he couldn’t Shift, we were stuck here for God knows how long. They might keep us for weeks or even months, making Jake knot and breed me over and over again until they were sure I was pregnant and it was too late to do anything about it but have the baby.

“I won’t Shift while I’m inside her—it’s too traumatic!” Jake exclaimed, interrupting my frantic thoughts.

“Then you won’t Shift,” Sorenson said firmly. “I don’t believe you really need to, anyway.”

“Yes, he does!” I heard myself say. Both men looked at me and I felt my cheeks go hot. “That is, I need him to,” I amended. “But maybe…maybe he could wait on the, er, the knot until after he finished his, uh transformation? I’m afraid if he shifted with the knot inside me, it would tear me up. I need time to get used to him in his, uh, fur form,” I told Sorenson. “Before…before he knots me as a Wolf,” I added in a low voice.

Sorenson looked thoughtful.

“I think that sounds reasonable,” he said, nodding. “He can put his shaft inside you and then Shift. But the minute he finishes Shifting, he must knot you.”

“I can’t—” Jake began but I shook my head.

“Jake, you have to,” I told him. “Please—I need you in me!”

To be honest, this wasn’t far from the truth. My Heat Cycle was going into overload and despite the fact that we’d spent most of the day making slow, leisurely love, I felt like I needed more. Because yes, even after I had promised Jake we wouldn’t do that anymore, we had ended up doing it again and then again and again. Jake never seemed to get soft and I never stopped needing him. He filled me over and over, though every time he swore was the last.

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