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Wild Beast: A Rough Sci-Fi Romance

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His cock has swollen to a thickness that makes it much harder to exit my ravaged virginal pussy. I am stuck there on his rod as his seed sinks into my womb, coating my inner walls with his virile essence.

“Stay still,” he commands, his hand wrapped around my throat, his other arm under my waist, making sure I do not move off without his permission. His breath is ragged, his pelt slicked with our shared sweat. We are joined together, he and I, in a way neither of us is free to escape. I may be trapped in his grip and on his cock, but he is equally trapped with me.

I lay in his arms quite contently. I know I am supposed to be… I don’t know… horrified or something, but there’s a calmness running through my veins I have not felt in a long time. It feels right to be with him.

Slowly, surely, his cock deflates. I feel us becoming separated again, two creatures instead of one. His big, rough, furred hands run over my hip and down my thigh in a slow caress. There is no urgency left in him now. Nor is there any fear left in me. I have been stretched and filled. I have been transformed. I feel more relaxed and safer than I have in a long time.

“Now,” he growls against the back of my neck. “You are mine.”

His. I wonder what it truly means to be his. Is that just dirty bed talk of the kind males regularly indulge in but don’t really mean? Or is it something that he actually intends to act on?

I roll over and look at him. “What will you do with me now that you have me?”

He does not answer directly. He growls in that soft but intense way he has, his commanding nature showing through very clearly. His palm slides down over my hip and finds the swell of my cheeks. He lets his fingers stroke my well-used sex, toying with the sensitive lips still soaked with his seed.

“You will whelp me a pup,” he says, slapping my ass with his broad, rough hand.

“I will what you a what?”

“I will impregnate you. I will give you a little of our wild nature. It will grow inside you, and in that way you will be connected to this world, to me, and to the Vulpari as a whole forever.”

When he puts it that way, it sounds beautiful. But I barely know this creature, and up until an hour ago he seemed to wish me nothing but harm. How can he suddenly be consumed with the desire to make me a mother?

“I do not know what brought you here. I do not know why the wild ones chose to protect you. But I know what my instincts tell me. That my seed belongs deep inside your little hole, where it will grow new life.”

“Uh…” I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to think. He could have impregnated me just now. His seed could be swimming its way toward my womb, meeting with an egg and making me pregnant. My god. “You want… that? With me?”

“I want everything with you.”

He doesn’t even know me. We are complete strangers to one another. What we just did was lustful and desperate and absolutely animal. I could submit to that, but he’s talking about creating a whole life. On purpose. With me.

“Really?” I squeak the question, overwhelmed.

“Really. You may not conceive today, but sooner or later you will swell with my seed. It is inevitable.”

“Inevitable? You talk as if you know what will happen.”

“I know what happens when a sweet, fertile pussy is fucked repeatedly,” he growls, his filthy words making me quiver all the way to my core. “And I know when I am delivered a perfect pet.”

“Delivered? By who? Or what?”

“Fate,” he says. “You must have known you were here for a reason,” he continues, running his claws through my hair lightly. “Surely you did not think you would live every moment of every day among these nonverbal creatures, never hearing the words of another being?”

“That is more or less exactly what I thought would happen,” I admit. “I had accepted my fate. It was not a bad one. I was safe. I thought perhaps one day someone might come for me.”

“Someone did.”

“Someone of my own species,” I clarify with a little smile. I still have no idea if I can trust this carnal monstrous beast, but I know that I have very little choice in the matter.

“Come,” he says. “It’s time.”

Time for what? I don’t bother asking. I figure I will find out soon enough.

I emerge from the hut with Volt, coated in his seed and scent. The wild things look at me with new eyes. There is a collective silence, and then an inhalation. They all know what has happened. If they were human, I think I might feel some sense of shame. Instead I feel something closer to pride. This is why they allowed the dangerous male into their circle. They knew I was his. It may even have been the reason they saved me in the first place. Were they keeping me for him?

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