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Bite Marks (The Lycans 5)

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But that would be handled tonight. And then, after that, I’d go to her. I’d make her stay with me until she realized I wasn’t letting her go, that she had no choice but to surrender to me, to submit not only her body, but her mind too.

My mood became even darker as I played back the conversation she’d had with her friend. She’d agreed to go on a fucking date with the male I assumed was from the other night.

Bear whined low at my foul, dangerous mood, but I kept stroking his head softly, my focus on the club, although I wasn’t paying attention to anything down below.

I allowed myself the pleasure of picturing myself tearing her date’s head from his neck and gorging myself in the arterial blood that would spray from the wound.

And I wanted Kayla to watch me the entire time, to see the lengths I’d go to for her… how dangerous I truly was to keep her as mine.

I’d used my time away from her to find out any and all information that had to do with my mate.

Kayla Monroe.

Twenty-three years old.

Attending Ryeka University for her master’s in psychology.

Strangely enough, I got hard thinking of her trying to analyze me, trying to understand who and what I was. The only thing she’d realize after picking at my brain was that I was a killer. A psychopath. The least deserving of a mate. But despite all those things against me, she was still mine, and I wouldn’t let her go.

She lived in her uncle's house, inherited it from him after he’d passed, along with a sizable estate. My little human female was quite well off—or at least in the human sense, she was.

Without taking my gaze from the dance floor, I reached into the inner pocket of my jacket and pulled out my cell phone, pulling up the picture I got off the Internet of her. My heart jackknifed in my chest, my carotid throbbing as I grew excited because of her. For her.

My cock was hard, so fucking hard. The fucker had been in this predicament since I’d first seen her, and no amount of beating off to the image of claiming my mate, of piercing her neck, her wrists—fuck, her inner thighs—as I drank from her deeply could ease the ache in my dick.

They were empty orgasms, and they probably made me suffer even more than if I’d just waited for the first time to take her. But I was a sadist, and apparently when it concerned my mate, a masochist too, because I still jerked off, even though it didn’t help my situation.

I kept staring at her picture, at the way her brown-and-golden hair blew behind her because the wind had picked up, tossing those strands in a caress.

Kayla. Kayla. KaylaKaylaKayla.


I felt a surge of pleasure move through me at just saying her name, of just thinking about her. Gods, I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anything in my miserable, bastard life. And the longer I stayed away, the more that need ate at me like acid.

The sound of someone knocking on my office door pulled a low, threatening snarl from my lips, and I slowly turned my head to look at the thick double slabs of wood that kept all the other assholes in my life out.

“Yo, boss,” Kane called out. “You gonna let us in?”

I growled, which had Bear doing that as well. I slowly turned around in the leather chair and stared at the door, not speaking. I heard a slight cracking and looked down at my hand at the cell I held that was dying a slow death in my palm.

I loosened my hold on it, letting myself stare at my female once more before slipping my cell back into my jacket’s inner pocket and drawing a palm over my face, the scratch from the scruff covering my cheeks and jaw loud in my ears.

“Well, come the fuck in then. Let’s get this over with.”

The doors opened, and Kane walked in first, Sebastian following. He shut the door behind them and leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest and staying silent… like always.

Kane started talking before I could urge him to get on with it.

“The Lycan Guard is already here and meeting with Cian. The wolf reached out and wants a meeting set up tonight to get this shit sorted and the next move set in motion.” Kane ran a hand over the back of his head. “They’ve been asking about Odhran.”

Yeah, I’m sure they were. No doubt, the crazed wolf was keeping in contact with them on some level, and now with him going AWOL, it was making them antsy as fuck. The only reason Odhran would go radio silent was because of one of two reasons. He really went off the deep end and went after his mate without backup. Or because something was done to him by me and mine.

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