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Bite Marks (The Lycans 5)

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But this wasn’t where my money really came from. No, I dealt mainly in firearms, weapons to the Otherworld, to organized crime factions in the human world. The mafia, the cartel, hell, even motorcycle clubs and their need for weapons to destroy one another. That’s where the real money was—blood money.

Boxes, shipping crates, and pallets of all kinds of shit littered both sides of the warehouse as I made my way forward, Bear staying right at my side.

I stopped a few feet from the males, all of them side-eyeing the other, then grinned. “Man, you are all a bunch of surly motherfuckers, aren’t you?”

There was a low rumble of growls that came from the Lycans in response, and then Cian stepped forward, his face set in a hard mask of one pissed-off wolf. He was clearly the leader of this little fur convoy.

“Where’s Odhran?” Although it was stated like a question, there was no doubt in the tone of Cian’s voice that he expected an answer.

“See,” I said and pulled a hand out of my pocket to run my palm over my jaw. I glanced at my soldiers, letting a smile move across my face. “You forget who you’re standing in front of, who you’re talking about, wolf.” I wiped all humor out of my voice and off my face. “Remember your place, Cian.” I growled the last part low enough it only traveled between the two of us.

I knew I had to tread lightly, because shit could very well hit the fan with how I worded things, but then again, I didn’t give a fuck either.

The air changed, and electricity filled the warehouse as the Lycans started to sense things were about to go sideways.

“So let’s try that again, yeah?” I stood there, Cian a big motherfucker, but still I towered over him.

He clenched his jaw and gritted through his teeth, “Where’s Odhran, Adryan?” Although his voice was still hard, and it was clear he was biting his tongue on being a stubborn bastard and alpha, I chuckled low that he was trying. Well, trying to be as civil as two full-grown Otherworld males could be.

“Your boy got himself into a little jam, know what I mean?” I tucked my hand back in my pocket and shrugged as I stared at Cian. The wolf bared his teeth at me, and it was clear he was doing everything in his power not to take a fighting stance.

“What the fook does that mean?”

I lowered my gaze to his hands and saw him clenching and relaxing them, over and over again. “It means your boy overstepped bounds, Cian.” I looked back at the Lycan Guard. “And I put him down because of it.”

The growls amplified, total chaos about to ensue as shouting proceeded, echoing off the high warehouse ceiling. Cian bared his teeth even more, his wolf rippling on the surface. I held a hand up.

“Calm the fuck down, the lot of you.” I tipped my chin to Kane, who turned and headed to one of the back rooms. I kept my focus on Cian the whole time, the fucker liable to go for my throat and ask questions later. “How’s that pretty mate of yours doing?” He took a menacing step forward, and his eyes flashed. I laughed low. “I’m such an asshole, aren’t I? Getting you all worked up just to bust your balls.” I shrugged. “I just can’t help it, man. I fucking love getting under everyone’s skin.”

Just as I saw Cian’s body ripple with power because he was about to come after me, Kane was stepping through the back door, Odhran, who was a little worse for wear superficially, following behind him and looking pissed as fuck.

All the Lycans drew their attention to their kin, and the aggression in the room instantly lessened when they saw he was still aboveground.

I chuckled again when Cian narrowed his eyes. “Ye said ye put him down.”

I shrugged again. “Poor choice of words, I admit. I meant I took him out with some tranquilizer. And then we had to make things right for him stepping over lines and killing one of my own.” Cian snarled and I shrugged. “It’s the principal of it, wolf. You know this.” I tipped my chin in Odhran’s direction. “It was either that or put a bullet through his skull, and I was pretty sure that would bother you wolves.” I grinned, flashing my fangs. “And I’d like to point out how merciful I was. What’s a little bruises and scrapes to being able to live a full and product life?” Cian looked seconds away form lunging. “I don’t ever let shit like that slide, not when he fucked over my plans to extract more information out of Matteo.”

Cian growled in irritation.

“Fook ye, Adryan,” Odhran growled, but he stopped beside Cian, glowering at me.

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