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Bite Marks (The Lycans 5)

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I didn’t respond to that, because I didn’t want to burst his bubble and say it wasn’t as deep as me guarding my heart. He clearly thought that was the case. And although Salvatore seemed like a good guy, he also had an air of arrogance that surrounded him. He probably wasn’t used to getting turned down.

So I had to assume that me declining any romantic situation between us automatically had him assuming it was because he wasn’t staying in America very long, and not because I had my own issues to deal with.

So I smiled and inclined my head, the only response I could muster. And for the next half hour, we talked about neutral things, about Sasha and memories he had of them growing up, of his home in Italy and how one day I should visit and experience authentic pasta and pizza.

He talked about his olive oil and wine import and export business, and how he did come to the US frequently but for short bursts of time for business but mainly pleasure, as most of his company dealings were in his home country.

I finished my drink at the same time he did, and the expression he gave me told me he knew this non-date had reached the end. “I really am sorry if I wasted your time,” I said automatically, and he lifted his hand as if to brush away my comment.

“How can it be a waste of my time when I spent part of my evening enjoying a drink with a beautiful lady?” He flashed me a blinding grin I was sure had the effect of dropping panties all around. But for me, there was… nothing.

I stood and smoothed my hand down my dress, the outfit nothing revealing and certainly not something I’d probably wear to a nightclub, as it was modest. But I hadn’t wanted to give Salvatore the wrong impression, even if I’d picked Sinner for a very specific reason.

“It was a really nice time, even if things went in a different direction.”

He stood as well, and the scent of his cologne filled my nose once more. “Can I walk you out to your car?”

I shook my head and gestured toward the back hallway. “I actually have to use the ladies’ room, but thank you.”

He nodded once. “Then I’ll wait for you and walk you out.”

I was shaking my head before he could finish. “Really, I’m fine. I parked right in front of the nightclub.” I made my tone a little firmer, because I could see on his face he wanted to argue, but after a second he exhaled and nodded once.

“English might be my second language, but I certainly can understand when a lady needs her space.” He gave me another blinding grin and turned to leave.

I watched his retreating body for a second, feeling a little rude that I’d blatantly lied to him. Because I didn’t have to use the restroom. But I also didn’t feel bad enough to dwell on it.

And then I looked around the club, searching for one particular man, the reason I’d come here. The reason I stayed behind.

But as I stood there and stared at the club-goers, I felt deflated with each added second that I didn’t see him. The man who made my blood sing.

This was a mistake. I exhaled and shook my head, feeling ridiculous that I was even here. But just as I was about to leave, I felt a tingling at the back of my neck, the same one I felt the last time I was here and saw my mystery man.

I started looking around the club a little more thoroughly, but the shadows were thick, the lighting low. I couldn’t see him, but God… I knew he was here. Watching me. I swallowed roughly and turned to go to the bathroom, needing a breather all of a sudden, needing to act like I had a semblance of control. Because even though I couldn’t see him, I felt his gaze. A tangible touch that made me unhinged.

Once in the bathroom, I waited for the lone female currently inside to leave before I braced my hands on the sink basin and breathed out. I closed my eyes, my body humming even though I had four walls surrounding me and a door closing me in.

Am I losing my damn mind?

It seemed utterly possible, given my physical reaction to someone I didn’t know, and in this particular moment I didn't even see him but felt him.

I gave myself five more minutes, trying to get myself under control, which was easier said than done, before I pushed away from the sink, smoothed my hands down my thighs once more, and exited the bathroom. I made it a couple of steps before I sensed a heavy presence behind me.

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