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One Night to Risk It All

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The stewardess came in with a tray of drinks. What looked like a scotch for Alex, the jerk, and an orange juice for her. She thanked the woman and wrapped her fingers around the glass, letting the coldness seep into her skin.

“I... No,” she said. “I hadn’t really thought of it. is true. I am the one who found you.”

“Strange, don’t you think?”

“Maybe.” More than strange. But there was no denying it. There was no way to accuse him of putting himself in her path, either. She’d seen him first. She’d approached him. And unless his ego was even bigger than she imagined, he’d had no way of knowing she would have to go and talk to him when she saw him. That she would be hit with a bolt of attraction so intense it left her stunned and utterly senseless.

“I was there for you,” he said slowly, swirling the contents of his glass before taking a sip. “I won’t lie about that. I was there to find you and seduce you. But I had a plan, you see. You had a fundraiser later in the week.”

“I ended up not going.” She looked down into her juice.

“I know,” he said.


“Because I went.”

“Oh.” She cleared her throat. “Why?”

“I don’t know,” he bit out. “But I was going to meet you there, at that fundraiser. And seduce you with my wealth and fortune. Seduce you away from my rival, slowly. Publicly. I was going to bring you over to my side of things and make him watch powerlessly as I did so.”

“And then what was supposed to happen to me?”

He shrugged. “That was of no concern to me. But instead, you found me on a dock after I’d just come in to Corfu. What are the odds of that?”

“Heck if I know,” she said.

“I wouldn’t know, either.”

“So what... So that’s why you didn’t tell Ajax? That’s why you didn’t call weeks ago and have the wedding called off?”

“I was as seduced as you were,” he said. “Though I hate to admit it. If I’d had any respect for my own plan I would have followed it. Instead...”

“Instead we met and spent the day together and then we...”

“Spent the night together.”

“And then it all went to hell,” she said.

“When I came to your house today... What I came for... It had nothing to do with revenge. I was there for you.”

Their eyes locked, electricity crackling between them, her heart pounding so hard she thought she might pass out.

Her phone buzzed and she looked down. She had a message from Leah.

Alex who? Anyone I know?

Well, what was the point in lying? It was going to come out. The press would see her with Alex. She would have to explain eventually that she was pregnant. And who the father was.

She might as well let the bomb drop in stages. She typed in a reply.

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