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The Sheikh's Pregnant Fake Wife (Sheikh's Meddling Sisters 3)

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Feraz shook his head. “I do not wish to repeat such things. Suffice it to say that it was unkind. My wish is to embark on a new journey between us from this point forward. To put the past behind us and start anew. I spoke to Jess about it at lunch, amongst other things, and we think we can build a new PR campaign for our marriage around the birth of our first child. Would that be something you’d be willing to do?”

Isabella swallowed hard. She’d never thought that Feraz would want to make a go of his marriage to Roxanne. In fact, from what her sister had said, she’d half-thought he’d bring up divorce today, after a proper amount of time had passed following the birth, of course. That had been what her mother’s plans had banked on.

Stunned, she blinked at him. “Um, wow. Okay, well… Uh, can I think about it?”

She needed to buy some time to email her mother and find out where to go from here. If it was just Isabella making the decision, she’d say yes. She loved her mother despite what she’d put Isabella through, but otherwise she really had nothing back in New York now. And Isabella had no doubt that Feraz would be an excellent provider for her and her children.

“I’m afraid there isn’t much time for thinking, rohi.” He returned to the sofa and sat beside her, taking her hands in his. “We will need to start immediately to repair the damage that’s been done if we want to have a better future for our child. I know that perhaps I was not the husband you wished for in the past. I was too focused on my work and did not give you the attention you deserved. But I promise to do better from now on, if you’ll agree to stay here in Djeva with me and raise our children together, here at the palace. I pledge you my fidelity and loyalty and ask the same from you. Can you give me that?”

Isabella opened her mouth, then closed it again. She tried to think about what her mother would do in this situation, but quickly pushed those ideas aside. She was not her mother. She wasn’t her sister either. She was Isabella, and she was here, and she was pregnant with Feraz’s child. Perhaps it was time to start thinking about what was best for her and her baby for a change. Her pulse thudded loudly in her ears and jolts of electric awareness zinged up her arms from their point of contact. She licked her lips and fancied she could still taste him there.

Fidelity and loyalty weren’t a problem. If she didn’t watch herself, she could end up pledging him her heart as well. Isabella closed her eyes and gave a quick nod. “Yes. I’ll stay here with you. I’ll pledge you my fidelity and loyalty.”

Now, if she could just figure out a way to tell him the truth without destroying everything, she’d be all set.


As Feraz escorted his wife into the beachside luxury restaurant Amazeena the next afternoon, he couldn’t help noticing how shy she acted. Roxanne had always cultivated the limelight like a true diva, loving the attention, but today she seemed as though she couldn’t wait to get out of the open and into their private Bedouin-inspired dining tent. Jess’s plan to invite some of the local press to photograph them looking happy together seemed to have worked. Reporters and photographers lined the walkway into the restaurant. Feraz stopped several times with Roxanne to smile and pose, always aware of his wife’s stiff posture and the slight tremble in her body. He kept her close by his side, even kissing her cheek once or twice for reassurance.

This would work because it had to work.

He’d chosen this particular establishment because it was where they’d come on their first official date. Roxy had always said she loved the lamb chops here. When Feraz thought back on their earlier relationship, he realized that dinner with her that night on the beach had been the last time he’d truly felt happy and content with his wife. The next day, they’d announced their engagement and the trouble had started.

“Wow, this place is spectacular!” Roxanne said, glancing around at all the opulent cushions and tables. Patrons filled each tent and table, all chattering away or casting quick looks at the sheikh in their presence.

After getting his wife settled on a crimson velvet divan, Feraz slid into the rounded booth across from her then gestured toward their server to close the tent flaps around them for privacy. The press could get more coverage of them on the way out of the restaurant and again as they went to Roxanne’s doctor’s appointment after this. For now, Feraz wanted more time alone to talk with his wife. The woman did as he wanted, then handed them menus and bowed before leaving.

“I thought you might like to see it again,” Feraz said, watching her closely over his menu. He couldn’t put his finger on exactly why Roxanne didn’t seem like Roxanne. Beyond the small things that he’d attributed to pregnancy changes, of course. There was something more, an underlying tension around her that he longed to discover the source of and dissipate as soon as possible. For the baby’s sake and for his own. He felt like he was constantly walking on eggshells around her and if they were going to make this work, honesty was key. He scanned the specials for the day, happy to see her favorite lamb chops were available. “I believe I know what you’re going to get.”

“I guess I’ll go with the seafood buffet, since I don’t do meat.”

“Since when?” He lowered his menu, shocked. “And you’ll find precious little you can eat on the seafood buffet. I’d hate to have to rush you to the hospital and jeopardize our baby.”

“Oh.” Roxanne looked as surprised as he was by his statements. “I, uh…”

Realization dawned on him with sickening effect. “Unless that was another of your lies. You don’t have any food allergies, do you.”

She swallowed hard, staring down at her hand on the table, her fingers twisting a linen napkin mercilessly. “I’m sorry. I’m not sure why I told you that, other than I wasn’t keen on trying new foods and I didn’t want you to not like me when we first met.”

“Food preferences are hardly a reason not to date someone,” Feraz said, ordering them each water and tea in Arabic when the server returned. “And you had to know I was smitten with you. I could barely keep my hands off you that first night. You were the same.” He sighed, toying with his menu again. It was all water under the bridge now. He tried again. “They have the lamb chops you liked.”

“I don’t eat meat,” she said, color rising in her cheeks. “Not anymore, I mean.”

“Oh.” He frowned. “You have changed in many ways, rohi. I feel like I’m getting to know you all over again.”

Roxanne shrugged, still not looking at him. “People change.”

“Yes, they do.” The server returned with their drinks and Feraz ordered them something special from the chef instead of what was on the menu. He rarely used his influence for anything and given his wife’s new meal preferences, he wanted to make sure she had something good to eat. The server bowed once more and left, then Feraz turned back to Roxanne, his gaze narrowed. “I took the liberty of ordering off-menu. All regional vegetarian choices.

I hope that is all right. Lemon and Coriander Falafel, Roasted Cauliflower Fattoush, and Golden Hummus with Tamari Baked Vegetable Dippers.”

“Oh, that all sounds wonderful. Thank you.” She smiled at him then and the overcast day seemed to brighten. “I’ve been craving spicy food lately, so I’m sure I’ll love it.”

“Hmm.” He leaned back and crossed his arms. “What names have you chosen for our baby?”

Roxanne blinked at him. “I hadn’t really thought about it, to tell you the truth. I’ve been so busy and all. Do you have any boys’ names in mind?”

“I would like to name our son after my father, Aram, to show respect. It’s tradition.”

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