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Sheikh's Desert Duty

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“Because I made my boss mad.”

“No, why did Isabelle need you? Why does it require you to get                     a scandal attached to the Chatsfield name. Because that’s why you did this,                     isn’t it? I need to know.”

“Yes, I did it for her. Spencer...Spencer Chatsfield. He’s                     harassing her about buying The Harrington, right out from under her. The hotel                     is everything to her. And if you knew what Spencer had done to her...Spencer                     hurt her. Badly. And now he wants to take this from her, too. I swore I wouldn’t                     let it happen. I swore to her I would help her with the tools I had, the tools                     that she gave to me. My job. You can understand why I needed to do this. Why I                     would go with you, why I would skulk around in an alley. Because I needed to.                     Because I owe Isabelle so much.”

He nodded gravely, and closed the distance between them,                     tugging her into his arms and kissing her hard, deep on the mouth. She tangled                     her fingers in his hair and kissed him back, her foot brushing the ladybug                     planter to the side as she moved in closer.

When they parted, she blinked, breathing hard. “Why would you                     do that?”

“A scandal is going to hit the paper today. I am sorry if it                     adversely affects your friend, but I cannot be sorry if it varies the headline                     about my sister.”

“What have you done, Zayn?”

“I’m going to make an announcement later today that my wedding                     has been canceled.”

“You canceled your wedding? Permanently...or is this just a way                     for you to protect Leila?”

“It is certainly a pleasant side effect. But I actually called                     off the wedding some days ago. Just before you left. Before we last spoke.”

“What?” she asked, her lips numb, her fingers icy. “You did                     what?”

“I called off the wedding.”

“I’m glad,” she said, reaching to pick up the box from the                     pavement. Standing up, she stiffened her spine, looking straight ahead, her                     heart hammering, fingers stiff around the edges of the box. “Because you deserve                     better than that. You do. You deserve so much more than a loveless marriage. You                     both do.”

“You were right about that,” he said, his voice rough. “I was                     punishing myself, using Christine as...part of that. It was unfair of me. And                     you were brave. You asked for everything from life. While I was still protecting                     myself. Still paying penance for the sins of my past. I was going to make                     everyone else pay with me. I was going to make Christine pay. I was going to                     bind us both to an unhappy union  . I realized that I could not do that. Not to                     her. Not to me.”

“But that doesn’t explain why you kissed me. I thought you                     hated me. For what I had done.”

“You did it for a friend. You did it to protect someone you                     love. Part of me knew it had to be something like this. Because I know you. I                     know you didn’t just do it to hurt me, or to further your career. I know you                     didn’t do it lightly. I knew the woman that I love wouldn’t do something like                     that.”

“ love me?”

“Yes. In spite of myself. In spite of all this. I do. And it                     makes me want. It makes me want things I didn’t think I ever would. It makes me                     want more. More than an endless, blank desert of life stretching out before me.                     It makes me want color. Laughter. It makes me want you.”

“I can’t believe you ended your engagement for me...                     I...I...”

“Sophie, I have to tell you...I called Colin Fairfax. He                     mentioned a trade. A tape. I know you didn’t do this simply to get a scandal. I                     know there was more. And it isn’t only because of what he said, but because I                     knew in my gut, in my heart, that you were the woman I fell for out in the                     desert. I knew that was truly who you were and I think I would have come for you                     no matter what.”


“I have a bad habit of kidnapping you.”

She laughed, a sniffly, watery sound.

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