Follow My Lead (Stepping Up 2)
Hold on,Blake said to Jack, covering the receiver. He saysour contracts for the next season of Stepping Up arein and they look good, but hes not happy with the terms for the Blake and Darla Nelson Show, and he says he doesntwant to void our individual shows until he has what he wants. He wants to knowthat we both give him full authority to negotiate while we are gone.
Go get em, Jack, Darla replied, settling her hands on herhips. After the man had not only gotten her back-pay but a raise to boot, shetrusted him fully. Shed been learning that sometimes giving away control to theright person was just like having it yourself.
Blake uncovered the receiver. Go get em were her words.Ill agree with that. But Jack, dont screw this up.Blake laughed and hungup.
He told you he never screws up,Darla supplied.
Darla glanced at the porch where her mother and Blakes sattalking, both with rescue cats in their laps. Blake slid his arms around herfrom behind. Our parents really seem to get along.
The front door opened and their fathers appeared, their voicesin a heated debate. It seemed to have something to do with how to deal with afence one of the half dozen horses Nick had brought to the ranch keptjumping.
Well, they do,Darla said with a chuckle. I can see whyyoud think that.
Thats manly love, honey.
She laughed and hugged him tightly. How long do you think it will take them to notice that the newlyweds are gone if we leave without sayinganything?
At least ten minutes.He glanced at his watch. Startingnow.They both took off for the truck and hopped in, laughing as they startedjust one of the many journeys ahead of them.