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Baby Mistake (Alphalicious Billionaires 3)

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“You really wanted to do this by yourself?” Ross lifted a mug and walked over to the table. He pulled out a chair and dropped down in it, dwarfing the small, apartment sized set, almost comically. “I- I mean, if that’s not a rude question.” He glanced at her sheepishly and seeing the soft look on his face nearly undid her.

Teela turned and grabbed her mug to hide the blush that was creeping up her face. And the heat that was stealing back into her limbs and some not so innocent spots. Nothing like getting turned on right after a good old-fashioned puking. What the hell is wrong with me? Maybe she could blame her body’s reaction on the hormones. Her emotions and moods had been pretty wild. Maybe the whole random shivery, fluttery, smoking panties weren’t really her fault.

“I’m turning thirty soon,” she said to the cupboards, without turning around. “I- I know what you mean about having a string of really bad luck that totally turns you off of trying to make it work with someone else. You just get past that and- well- I wanted kids. Always did. I…” She trailed off because it wasn’t like she could actually tell him about the whole sperm being stolen thing. Everything else was bad enough.

“I think it’s more popular now. Even- uh- when people conceive the conventional way, there are far more blended families and single parents now. People don’t feel they have to waste their lives staying together when it’s not working out anymore.”

“I guess so.” Teela grabbed her mug and joined Ross at the table. She didn’t exactly push her chair in close and she really didn’t meet his gaze. “Maybe I didn’t really think it through.” Finally, her eyes flickered up and when she found Ross studying her intently, that shivery feeling was back. Big time. She actually thought about checking her panties for smoke. Instead she shifted, locking her legs together to keep the tingles from spreading further up.

“I’m sure you did. You seem like you’d be a great mom.”

She nearly snorted. “Based on what? The fact I threatened you and chewed you out- uh- twice at least…”

Ross laughed softly. He picked up his tea and actually slurped a little when he drank, since it was hot, and the fact that he drank tea and made slurping noises at all, brought him down to being oddly human and that was far more attractive than it should have been.

“No. You seem smart. You have your own place. A decent job.”

“So, by a good mom, what you really mean is that I’d be a decent provider.”

“I- no. I didn’t mean it that way. But yes. Obviously, you could do that. You’re independent. You’re not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. Most people can’t do that anymore or won’t bother with it. I’m not sure anyone really believes in anything at all. So- I might not know you well, and maybe I did see the darker side of you, but I saw a hell of a lot more too. If there was anyone in the world who had to get injected with my sperm, accidently find out through leaked information, and have the guts to approach me to tell me, I’m glad it was you.”

Teela nearly choked on her sip of tea. She set her mug back down. “I- I guess- I guess we have a lot to talk about and uh- we have time. Seven months. I’m sure we’ll have it figured out by then.”

Ross nodded. He drained his mug, even though the tea was still steaming hot, pushed back his chair, and stood. “You’re right. We do. But not tonight. I can see you’re tired. It’s beyond late. I shouldn’t have come. I- I just had to. I couldn’t sleep.”

His gently spoken admission pushed out with a hint of shyness, twisted Teela’s stomach, and not in the vomit inducing kind of way. An unexpected rush of tenderness hit her square in the chest.

“I couldn’t sleep either,” she admitted.

“I’ll see you at work tomorrow. At nine. We have lots to get done, so make sure you’re on time.”

“I have one condition.” Teela knew she was pushing her luck, but she had to do it. “That you give Dora her job back. She needs it more than I do. I can sell this condo and move and get a different job, but it’s different for Dora. She’s a great accountant. She might not know your system or your software, but it would be worth it to train her. She’s the most loyal employee. She would never let you down. She knows the company. She’s far more valuable than you could ever give her credit for. I can’t take my job back in good conscious knowing that she was fired.”

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