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Baby Mistake (Alphalicious Billionaires 3)

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“Oh- I eat everything.” Teela dropped her purse near the front entrance. She carefully removed her flats. “I- uh…” her face flushed red and Ross had an image of her popping his very hard, very ready, cock into her mouth and eating that, even though he was sure that wasn’t what she meant. Very, very sure.

“I- noticed your car. It’s really tiny. Uh- probably not safe. Not on these roads. People drive like maniacs here. They try and drive me down and I have an SUV. I’ve been thinking about getting a truck. I do lots of- er- hauling- for the stores and what not. Put on a lot of miles. I- you look like you could use a new ride.”

Teela’s lips parted. Her eyes widened. Her cheeks flushed pinker. His whole body tightened in response when a second mental image of Teela getting a new ride alright, right on top of his cock, flooded back into his brain. How bad would it look if I punched myself in the face at moment? He was just damn lucky he was wearing jeans and they kept everything tucked in place. Namely his giant boner he always seemed to pop when he was in the same room with Teela.

Teela studied him hard for a second, but then she laughed and shook her head. “I- I like my car just fine. It’s been a good car. Cheap on gas. It wasn’t expensive in the first place. It has always fitted my budget. Never needed many repairs. I get it though. Actually. I’ve been thinking about getting something bigger, with the baby coming. I honestly don’t think I can even get a car seat into the back of that. I can barely fit a person back there, so I’m sure the car seat is going to be a no-go. Two doors. They’re awesome when it’s just you- but…”

“Good,” Ross stumbled on, thankful for the olive branch. “I’ll give you my SUV. It’s settled.”

“I- I can’t just take that from you,” Teela protested. “I mean- what would people say? They know you drive it. That would just be- a huge red flag for the entire town.”

Ross frowned. “You’re right. I never thought about that. I- I’ll have it repainted.”

“That’s cray,” Teela protested. “And anyway, I mean, there’s the whole matter where I can’t just take your vehicle. It’s yours. I- I could never pay you back.”

“It would be a gift.”

“I thought you didn’t like people using you for your gifts,” Teela deadpanned.

“I- this is different. That’s my baby in there. I want to keep you safe. You both safe. If you want the SUV, I could deduct fifty dollars from your paycheck every pay period until you’ve paid it back.”

“But- it’s new. I could never pay for that. It would take me the rest of my life.”

“Don’t worry about that. I was going to trade it in anyway. They don’t give you much for it. I’ll ask about the trade-in value and I’ll charge you that. Plus, after the baby is born, I’m going to be paying you child support, or giving you some kind of financial compensation, so I can deduct it from that. How does that sound?”

Teela eyed him suspiciously and he realized he’d just crossed some kind of line or boundary that they hadn’t quite got to yet. All before she even walked in the door.

“Jesus…” he shook his head and ran a hand through his hair, probably mussing it all over. “Listen to me. I invited you over so we could talk more about things, but also to get to know you. You’re having my baby and I don’t even know anything about how you grew up, if you have brothers and sisters, if you like pets, what your parents are like- the basics. I don’t know your favorite color. I don’t even know if you eat meat. That’s really the point of this. Sorry. I- I saw your car and just started freaking out a little bit about you being safe and our child being safe and uh- kind of jumped the gun here. I- how about you come in, I’ll show you around, you can have a seat on the couch while I get you a glass of iced tea and I’ll put your choice of meat on the BBQ and hopefully not serve it completely charred. Does that sound alright?”

Teela hesitated for a few seconds and Ross wanted to kick his own ass. God, what was wrong with him? Why was he so smooth around everyone else and just turned into a complete ass-hat around Teela? Right. Because all the blood left his brain and went straight to his dick whenever he saw her. Smelled her sweet, natural, slightly floral scent. Listened to her soft, lilting, musical tone and her adorable laugh. Thought about her, about the way she looked and smelled and sounded.

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