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Baby Mistake (Alphalicious Billionaires 3)

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Teela tensed. She knew Amy was right. She should be taking things slow, not thinking about how badly she regretted not being able to feel Ross’ cock inside of her the night before. She couldn’t help it. He had a really, really nice dong. Annnnndddd it had been a really long time since her va-jay saw any real action.

“No, no, don’t think that,” Teela tried to assure Amy when she realized there was a huge guilt tsunami heading that way that was probably going to end with Amy breaking down and crying and blaming herself for everything wrong in the world and worrying about losing her job for the hundredth thousandth time. “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

“I… I just- maybe I shouldn’t have done any of it. It was bad. It was wrong. All of this is so messed up!” Amy started fidgeting and twisting her hands.

“Here, have some tea. Mint makes everything better.” Teela picked up the cup and practically shoved it in Amy’s face.

Amy took the cup, but her face didn’t change. “Oh god. I’m a terrible person. A really bad person. I’m going to go to jail. Someone is going to find out and I’m going to lose my job and then they’re going to lock me away and I don’t think I could survive in prison and-”

“I thought you wanted to hear about the snatch incident,” Teela rushed on. It was the last thing she wanted to talk about but anything had to be better than watching Amy implode right in front of her.

“Really? You’re going to tell me?” Amy turned watery eyes her way.

“Yeah. I’ll tell you. I- uh- so Ross was… you know. Uh- we started out kissing and it got carried away and he was cooking steaks on the barbeque and both of us kind of lost our minds a little and all of a sudden he wasn’t wearing a shirt, then I had his pants open and uh- then my leggings were off and he was- well- yeah. So yeah- my legs… they were spread. Pretty far open. I think his mom got an eyeful. And as soon as she let us know she was there, Ross covered me up and I covered myself up and he was fumbling with his clothes and then his dad was shouting something about the barbeque being on fire because we’d forgotten all about the steaks and Ross was rushing around looking for something to put it out with and his mom nearly passed out on the spot.”

It took a second but Amy snort-giggled. “Oh my god. I can’t imagine meeting his parents like that.”

“That wasn’t the worst part. When they asked who I was, Ross just kinda blurted out that I was carrying his baby and now they’ve invited me over for dinner. Tomorrow night. They’re so excited. They’ve wanted a grandkid forever. My parents don’t even know. I haven’t found the courage to tell them. Maybe that’s a good thing. I had no idea what I was going to say but if Ross and I practice, then maybe…”

“You’d actually bring him home with you?” Amy gasped.

“No way. I was thinking though that I could tell my parents there is someone and the pregnancy is a surprise and we’re trying to work through it. They’re old fashioned. It would make them feel better knowing there is a dad, even if he’s not exactly with me.”

“My parents would disown me.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“Just saying. Your parents are nicer than mine. Mine wouldn’t even let me bring a guy home and sleep in the same bed until we were married.”

“I know. No wonder you went home as little as possible.”

“They were just relieved when I finally stopped living in sin.”

“Oh god.”

Amy paused. She swallowed a sip of tea and set her mug down. “So how do you think it’s going to go at the dinner? His parents sound nice. I mean, if they didn’t call you some whore and phone the police for sodomizing their son’s face, that’s a step in the right direction.”


“I just said that to make you laugh.”

“Ha-ha,” Teela supplied diplomatically. “Very funny.” She gulped her tea. “I’m not sure how it’s going to go. I’ll probably be a nervous wreck and Ross probably won’t be any better and his mom will probably die on the spot of happiness and then I’ll feel guilty my whole life and his dad will probably play it like he’s stoic and in control but really on the inside he’s doing the happiest of happy dances because Ross said they’d pretty much given up on ever having a grandkid.”

“Uh- why?”

“I guess… because he felt that women were using him for his money, and he didn’t like it. He found it hard to find someone who just wanted to be with him for him, so he was kind of like me. After a few bad experiences, he just kind of quit the whole thing.”

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