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The Dating Game (Alphalicious Billionaires 5)

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“Our parents didn’t know,” Alex admitted.

“Thankfully, not even to this day,” Jay admitted. The problem was, this guy here never could turn down a bet. He still can’t.”

“Oh really?” Muffy raised a brow. “Like what?”

Alex nearly choked and he hadn’t even taken a drink. “Uh- you don’t want to know. Just dumb guy stuff.”

“No, I really do.” Muffy smiled and of course, it slayed him and made him completely useless.

“Oh, there was a time we dared him to steal his sister’s panties and throw them all over the front yard right before she got home. She was always sneaking around with this boyfriend and she promised Alex that if he ever told on her she’d kill him. We one upped her. She stayed single after that for six months, I swear.”

“That’s awful,” Muffy giggled.

“Sounds like something my brothers would have done to me,” Carla added dryly, but even she was smiling.

“She still hasn’t forgiven me,” Alex said. “My mom never let her buy her own underwear so they were pretty granny panty style.”

“Oh you guys, that’s terrible.”

“We did other stupid shit,” Alex admitted. “Got Jay to fill his mom’s sugar bowl with salt. She was not impressed when she took a sip of the tea she made in the morning.”

“She went bat shit after. Just flew right off the handle. I was grounded for two months. No video games. No friends. No nothing.”

“It’s the longest I ever went without seeing Jay,” Alex admitted. “Two months of peace. It was like heaven.”

“It was fucking not,” Jay grumbled, which drew smiles from Carla and Muffy.

Jay prattled on about all their other stupid pranks, dares and bets over the years. At least the ones that were relatively easy to talk about in front of virtual strangers. Not that he cared, but the guy knew Alex did and by some mercy, he’d apparently decided not to embarrass him too much. The thing was, Alex didn’t usually fight dirty, but he was perfectly fine with pulling out all the stops when needed.

Finally, their food came, and they made it through that and another round of beers, without anything slipping. Jay even managed to behave himself. Carla warmed up to him and didn’t send him any more dirty looks. Jay picked up the tab for them all and right after, he and Carla surprised everyone when he offered to drive her home so that Muffy could have her car free if she wanted to go somewhere that wasn’t her apartment.

Muffy had turned a brilliant shade of scarlet, but she’d stood beside Alex and when he’d asked her nicely, if she wanted to come over and finish up the night by watching a movie that he was pretty sure they both had zero intention of making it through, she’d flashed him a smile brighter than a thousand suns and agreed.

It was at that exact moment that Alex knew he was beyond screwed.



Alex’s apartment was quiet. The neighborhood wasn’t great though and Muffy expected there were people in the apartments above and below to be… well- a little less than neighborly. Even in their building, there was a woman in the apartment right next door that liked to yell at her boyfriend at all hours of the night. Above them, there was a family with two little kids that cried all hours of the night. Down the hall, on the other side of the door that divided the stairs, the cops had probably been called three times in the past month on a guy who liked to have parties well into the night.

Alex’s building must have been under better management, because even though it was older and not in the best part of town, it was so quiet that Muffy could practically hear her pulse jumping at the base of her neck as Alex showed her in. She removed her boots and lined them up on the small boot tray.

“Do you want tea? Coffee? A beer?” He hesitated then winked at her. “Hot chocolate maybe?”

She barely smothered a nervous giggle. “With or without the whipped cream?”

Alex’s dark eyes darkened a shade. He ripped off his jacket so hard that a few of the buttons went flying. Muffy gasped, but his mouth crushed hers, smothering the sound. His arms wrapped around her shoulders and she was pinned to the wall by Alex’s broad shoulders and massive chest. His leg pressed between hers as he leaned in to kiss her breathless. How the heck was his damn leg so muscular that she could feel it rippling through his jeans?

She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. One hand fisted in his short hair, the other attacked his shoulder, looking for a handhold. When he pushed his tongue through the seam of her lips, she let him. When she shamelessly ground against his leg, trying to ease the ache radiating straight from her core, he let her.

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