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RUIN: Psychological Enemies-to-Lovers Thriller

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“No. No.” I rushed back to the center of the circle and crouched to the ground. Bile rose in my throat. “What is this place? Where am I?”

Someone whispered behind me, “Are you ready?”

I spun around. “Who said that?”

Another whispered in front of me, “Are you ready?”

“Ready for what?” I trembled and hurried that way. My voice rose to high-pitched. “Who said that?”

Thunder crackled off in the distance.

I gazed up.

Tears began to fall from some of the eyes. First, it was a few droplets here and there. Then, more eyes watered and tears spilled out the size of liquid boulders.

I covered my crowned head and screamed, “What’s going on?!”

“Are you ready?” Someone whispered in the back.

“Ready for what!?” I frantically scanned the hooded people. “What do I need to get ready for?”

A huge tear drop crashed to the ground next to me and splashed on my gown.

I jumped out of the way.

“It’s time,” another whispered.

Someone joined the person. “It’s time.”

Then, others whispered over and over in unison, “It’s time. It’s time.”

The hooded people rushed forward.

“No!” I ran, but they came for me in all directions.

One grabbed my arm and dragged me to them.

Another had my arm.

Someone gripped my ankle.

Each tried to pull me to them, playing this cruel tug-of-war.

“Get away from me!” I kicked and punched. “Get the fuck away from me!”

But, there were gloved hands everywhere, grabbing every part of me. Hands on my head. Hands on my face. Hands on my feet. Hands on my waist. Dozens of hands, ripping and tearing my gown away, groping and pinching my now nude body.

I tried to fight them, but couldn’t break free. As soon as I could get one hand away from me, others came. “Get away from me!”

They grabbed at my stomach. They tugged my toes. They punched my back. They squeezed my neck. They poked my ears. They grabbed my breasts. They scratched my knees. They smacked my ass. They rubbed my thighs.

“No!” I battled against them. “Get off me!”

They dragged me to the cold ground.

I couldn’t stop them.

Others kept my hands to the side. They spread my legs apart and held me to the ground.

“Please!” I lay there naked and spread-eagled. “Please!”

“Are you ready?” One of the masked men jumped between my legs and zipped down his jumpsuit. A massive dick flopped out, long and wide.

“No! I don’t want to! I don’t want to!”

Another whispered in my ear, “Are you ready?”

“No!” I cried unable to escape their hands. “I’m not!”

The hooded man stuffed his dick into me.

“Are you ready?” He gripped my hips and pumped. “Tell me you’re ready.”

“No!” Helpless, I took it all. My body betrayed me as it rode the lusty wave of euphoria pouring into my soul.

Another masked man put his dick on my mouth and coaxed me to open my lips. “Are you ready?”

I pursed my lips tight, not letting him get his dick between them.

He pushed hard at my mouth. “Are you ready?”

My body rocked from the other one fucking me hard.

And then the other successfully shoved into my mouth.

There, he buried my screams. Now I couldn’t cry or plead. All I could do was suck and gag as he pounded his dick into my mouth.

Another masked man straddled my chest and rubbed his dick against my nipple. “Are you ready?”

Please stop!

One slipped under me and pierced my ass with his dick.

I gagged and choked.

I cringed and climaxed.

These demon hands and brutal dicks corrupted my spirit and devoured me whole. My breasts rocked from the violence. My mind shattered and detached. They not only violated my body. They raped my soul.

A new masked man placed his dick by my right eye. “Are you ready?”

No! Not that too!

He thrust his dick into my eye.

“No!” I woke up with my hands in the air.

That wasn’t real. That was. . .a dream.

It took a few seconds to calm down.

I opened my eyes and only saw moonlit darkness.

I’m alive, but where am I?

I kept my shivering hands up and realized that they weren’t all the way high. Something was constricting my movement. I twisted them from side to side.

There’s something binding my hands.

Past memories hit me.

Shit. That’s right. A psycho tortured me.

Blinking, I realized I was on a soft bed.

Is this his bed?

I mentally assessed my body. I didn’t feel my best. My head ached. My body too. Soreness brushed every spot he had cut. I felt like I’d been partying hard the night before with some drugged-up rock band.

Blinking, I moved my hands and felt some sort of satin ribbon loosely tied around my wrists.

It’s not handcuffs.

I tried to put my hands together, thinking I could simply untie the ribbons.

Maybe I can bite through them.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t bring them close to my mouth.

Where am I?

I squinted through the darkness. There was a gentle light shining from up above. I glanced down at how it landed.

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