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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

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Kai moved to Sean’s second nub and worked on it too, then gave Sean fresh orders. “Breathe in deep.”

Sean’s features tensed warily. He drew in a lungful.

“Good,” Kai murmured. “Now stay nice and still. I have some pretty presents for your nipples.”

“Shit,” Sean whispered. He squeezed his lids and braced, clearly having figured out Kai’s meaning.

Kai clamped the first one. Sean arched with a gasp.

“Good boy,” Kai praised. “One more time, then we’re done.” Not bothering to wait for Sean to settle back down, he secured the other firmly into place. Sean’s spine bowed even harder, a strained cursed shoving past his clenched teeth.

Max shot to his feet before he realized what he was doing, heart pounding with the need to soothe his cat. Didn’t matter that it wasn’t his job anymore. Didn’t matter that he had no fucking right. It was driving and fierce, compelling him like instinct, as intrinsic as the need to breathe—but ten times stronger.

He stalked to the window, eyes locked on his caitín, only partially grateful to find Kai tending to his duties. Max wanted to be the one to soothe Sean. To ease him through the pain. By kissing him, stroking him, distracting him, arousing him. Max’s dick bucked as his heart squeezed tight in his chest.

Sean was on his own.

Max had no jurisdiction.

Fortunately, Kai appeared to know what he was doing.

Max watched dejectedly, hands splayed against the glass as Kai calmingly stroked Sean’s sternum. “There we go. All done. Breathe through it. That’s it.”

Panting, Sean settled back down on Kai’s knee, his eyes still closed, his entire body rigid.

“That’s my little flower.” Kai massaged Sean’s pecs, then slid his hand lower and palmed Sean’s crotch.

Every muscle coiled in Max’s body, his heart rate spiking, as raw, primal anger quickly roused. Made no difference that Kai was touching Sean on the outside of his underwear, or that Sean’s dick was still completely fucking flaccid. Another man had his hands on Max’s boy—and was starting to stroke his motherfucking cock.

“Hmm. Still so soft, Sean. Are your little clamps too much?”

Sean shifted against his touch, hesitantly rocking his hips. “No, Sir. They’re okay. I… I’m just nervous.”

Kai nodded and continued, steadily rubbing Sean’s bulge, even as his dark eyes seemed to wander. To other thoughts, to other things. Sean, however, seemed fully fucking focused. Was probably trying to will his dick to harden. Sure enough, a semi-erection rose up a moment later, but he just couldn’t seem to muster a full-fledged boner. Which Max supposed should make him feel better, but it really didn’t. Even a semi with another man made him mental.

“Ah. There we go. Getting a bit firmer. You’re certainly not lacking here, Sean.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Sean mumbled, sounding unfazed. When Max gave him compliments, he flat-out beamed.

Max’s heart squeezed miserably. Sean was wired for him. Pushing his feet into curt, stiff strides, he paced the room while digging into his pocket. He needed to stay grounded, needed an anchor. Anything to keep him from going ballistic.

His fingers clutched tight around the small, familiar token. Furiously, he rubbed it before he’d even pulled it free. Couldn’t help it. Couldn’t wait. Needed the contact now, its unpleasant effects a last ditch effort to stay focused.

Max’s jaw ticked as his feet stalked. His heart pounded riotously. He had to get out of there. Couldn’t do this anymore. Max pivoted sharply and made another lap, his anxious strides swiftly spanning the room.

Kai moved his hand to Sean’s covered balls. “Don’t feel lacking here, either.” He rolled them between his fingers.

Sean squirmed a little and coughed another thank you.

Max looked away, trying to stave off the anger. To hell with it. Maybe he should just fucking leave. It wasn’t like Sean would know, and Kai couldn’t care less either way.

Max eyed the door, heart hammering as he made another lap, but groaned before he could even humor the idea. No. He promised Sean. He couldn’t go back on his word. God knew, he’d wronged Sean enough already to last a lifetime.

Fisting that piece in his hand even tighter, Max marched his ass back over to the couch. Irritable and agitated, he dropped back down, only to find that Kai had changed position. Now, with his broad back facing the two-way, he stood straddling Sean’s shoulders, blocking Max’s view. All Max could see was Sean’s torso and lower body, and the fact that he was still on his knees. He was also still leaning backward, and by the angle of Kai’s elbow, Max would guess Kai held Sean reclined by his chest ropes.

“You can’t get hard for me. That’s okay, flower. You’re nervous. I understand. Luckily, you’ve gotten me hard enough for the both of us.”

A zipper resounded. Max’s spine went ramrod stiff. Because that wasn’t Sean’s zipper. Sean didn’t have a fucking zipper. That was Kai’s. He was pulling out his dick.

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