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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

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Sean’s eyes popped back open. “Then do it. Keep me.” He hugged Max tighter. “I promise I won’t leave.”

Max chuckled softly. “Damn… Totally something you’d say.” Arms still wrapped, he tugged Sean onto the bed, then rolled their tangle over and smiled down at him. “Shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep, caitín. That could crush a guy, you know.”

Holy shit. Sean’s heart rate went fucking berserk. Max was lying on top of him. In his bedroom. On his bed. Admitting that Sean had the power to fucking level him.

Sean swallowed, peering up at him. “But I’d keep it, Max. I’d keep it.”

Max’s drunken smile turned placating, his dazed eyes sad. “Of course you would.” He nodded. “’Cause you’re beautiful like that.” His gaze dipped to Sean’s mouth. Then his lashes fluttered. “Shit.” He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to Sean’s. “I wanna kiss you,” he breathed. “So fucking bad... But I said I’d only hold you and nothing else.”

Sean nearly fucking whimpered again. Max just put the ball in his court. Just offered up the one thing Sean couldn’t resist. His resolve slipped further. He wanted to give in. But he also knew that if he did, he’d want more. And not just more kisses. More everything.

“… I wanna get close to you…‘Cause your haaaaands and lips still know their way around…”

Ugh. Damn that Troye Sivan and his stupid incredible voice. He was not making this shit any easier.

Max whispered something Sean couldn’t make out, then laid kisses from Sean’s temple to his jaw. Languid and feather-light. Warm breath tickled Sean’s neck. Sean gripped Max’s sides, his pulse racing faster. Max dragged his lips to the corner of Sean’s mouth. Didn’t go any further, though. Just lingered on the outskirts. As if giving Sean another chance to take the reins.

And God, did Sean want to. But he couldn’t… could he? Max was drunk. Not himself.

“Sean,” Max mumbled. “Kiss me.”

A moan breached Sean’s lips. Even though that was a simple request, it also felt like a hot little command. Like the ones Max used to give back when he was Sean’s Dom. All quiet and sultry and seductive.

Sean turned his head, his brain starting to spin, till their mouths were aligned, but barely touching. “Max,” he breathed, causing their lips to brush.

Max groaned. “Sean, please… I’m dying… You’re killing me.”

Please again? And shit, Max’s tender tone. Sean couldn’t. He couldn’t do it. Couldn’t hold off any longer. His need for this man just surpassed his need to breathe. Sean cursed in surrender and sank his fingers into Max’s hair, then crushed their mouths together with starving urgency.

And fuck if Max didn’t respond immediately.

With an eager growl, he met Sean’s advance, their lips and tongues engaging in smoldering bliss. Sean’s pulse hammered wildly. His dick shot rock hard. Max’s weight atop his body, Max’s mouth against his own. Every inch of Sean went up in flames.

Max moaned and shifted more fully atop him, his hips settling between Sean’s yielding thighs. Oh, God. His boner just rubbed against Sean’s. Sean’s hips rocked instinctively. Max hissed against his mouth, then rumbled and gave a grind of his own. Pleasure tore down Sean’s shaft. Delved deep into his balls.

Shit, yeah. He needed more.

Wait, no. No, he didn’t. If they kept this up, they’d fuck. But they couldn’t. Max was wasted. That’d be like taking advantage.

Max propped his weight on one forearm and dug his other hand under Sean’s ass. His hips moved incessantly. He clutched Sean’s butt for better friction. All while his mouth took total control. Of their kiss. Of Sean’s sanity. Making his whole body burn.

Sean moaned, feeling more and more drunk himself. Max was stoking him way too hot. Making his dick straight-up reel. If Sean didn’t stop this now, he never would.

“Max,” he panted, pulling Max back by his hair. “We can’t…We can’t.”

Max grinned, cheeks flushed. “But we want to.”

“Yeah, we do.” Sean let go.

Max eyed his mouth again.

Sean smiled. “You make me crazy.”

“Was trying to make you horny.”

“Well, that went without saying. You always make me horny.”

Max’s smile ebbed. “And you always make me happy.”

Sean stilled. Even his heart skipped another fucking beat.

Max rolled off onto his back, but kept his eyes glued to Sean. Like he was afraid to look away for one second.

Sean settled onto his side and propped his head in his hand. “What?” He murmured. “Why’re you looking at me like that?”

Max smiled a little and shrugged. “Just making sure you don’t leave.”

Fucking hell. Sean melted. Max was an adorable drunk.

Even if he did reek of liquor.

Sean’s lips curved. “You saying you want me to stay?”

Max nodded.


“Okay, but… for how long?” This was supposed to be a super-short visit.

“For as long as this lasts.”

Sean cocked his head. “This?”

Max nodded again. “This.”

Sean frowned, not understanding. Then again, Max was drunk, and drunks weren’t exactly known for their lucidity. “Alright… Although, technically, I only came to say hi.”

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