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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

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Max paused, then chuckled and ground Sean down atop his cock. “Aw, my baby boy. You’re not taking advantage. I’m the one who’s trying to score.”

Damn… For a man who wasn’t making much sense, Max’s logic in this actually sounded rational. Or maybe Sean just wanted to screw really bad. But in fairness, Max was the one trying to hit it…

No. He couldn’t.

Max kissed his neck. “Please.”

“You’ll be mad later.”

“No, I won’t.”

“How do I know that for sure?”

Max squeezed his ass. “Because I’m promising.”

Sean groaned. “Drunk promises don’t count.”

“Yeah, they do.” Max rocked his hips. “My word is my word.”

Sean moaned again, Max’s dick against his ass making him mental. Maybe it would be okay. Maybe it wasn’t unethical. It might even be the only chance they ever got.

His head spun. His body reeled. “Fuck. Okay. But damn it, Max, you better not get pissed....”

Max loosed another growl, but this one sounded happy. He grabbed Sean’s sides and tossed him onto his back. Sean bounced with a laugh.

“Shirt off,” Max ordered, his drunken gaze glittering.

“Yes, Sir.” Sean had it off in seconds.

Max loosed a rumbly slur. “Jeans, too.”

Sean tore open his fly, then shoved his jeans down his thighs, ditching his skimpy briefs along the way. Max’s eyes hooded lower as he drank him in, his thumb absently stroking the corner of his mouth.

Sean’s pulse tore through the roof. He hadn’t seen that look in forever. That hot, unbridled gleam in Max’s eyes. Max held his gaze and rose up to teeter on his knees, then pushed his own jeans down and off. His boner jutted proudly. Max fisted in and stroked, dropping back down on his heels.

“Come, cat.” He held out his hand. Sean took it. Max grinned and yanked him back to straddling his lap. Sean grinned. So did Max as he coupled their dicks, curling his warm fingers around both. Sean fisted Max’s hair. Rocked his hips.

Max’s lids sank lower. He stared at Sean’s mouth. “Mount me, caitín. Before it’s too late.”

Lust fuddled Sean’s brain. Too late for what? He reached for his jeans. Grabbed his wallet from a pocket. Tugged out some packets and tore one open. Fumbling—God, he needed Max inside him so damn bad—Sean squeezed lube on Max’s dick, then on two of his own fingers.

Max thrummed in approval and slicked up his cock while Sean reached around back and prepped his entrance.

Max’s dazed eyes slid up and locked with Sean’s. “Gonna take you now… the way that I’ve always fucking wanted.”

Air left Sean in a rush. Drunk or not, Max’s stare was straight-up staggering. Max gripped Sean’s hips and eased him closer, nuzzling his cock against Sean’s hole. Sean clenched against its firmness and gripped Max’s shoulder, dropping his other hand to help things out down below. Biting his lip, he bore down. Holding his gaze, Max growled and sank through. Breaching Sean’s body, pushing past his tight ring. Then driving deeper as he guided Sean down to his lap.

Sean groaned as Max stretched him, as he filled him completely, that sharp, initial burn quickly receding.

Max exhaled raggedly as Sean settled around his base. “Fuck… A stór…” He wrapped Sean back in his arms, one hand firmly clutching Sean’s nape. His hips started to move as he sat on his heels, his knees parting wider for better pump action.

Pleasure roused in Sean’s channel, against his G. “Yes. God yes…” His eyes rolled back. Gripping Max’s shoulders, he rocked his hips, forward and up, rubbing against Max’s abdomen, against his chest.

“Shit, yeah, cat,” Max moaned. “Don’t stop.”

He crushed Sean closer, then fused their lips, his tongue fumbling inside Sean’s mouth. His hips rolled forward and back, like a wave against Sean’s ass. Sean’s body sang, his head spun, every inch of him hyper-sensitive, as Max’s rigid heat moved inside him.

More pleasure, growing stronger. Pressure building in his balls…

But right as Sean’s lower half threatened to unravel, Max stopped without warning… and just hugged him.

Sean blinked, confused, ass teeming, skin hot.

Max exhaled against his neck. “Don’t leave.”

What? Don’t leave?

Sean frowned, half-dazed. But before he could ask, Max got back to rocking his hips. Which instantly derailed Sean’s brain again, yanking his focus back to Max’s dick. Back to his dick and those slow-moving hips that Sean knew damn well had the ability to fucking slam him. To bang him so hard that he couldn’t see straight.

Or breathe right.

Or spell his name.

Or frickin’ speak.

But Max’s hips weren’t hammering. They were taking shit slow. As if intentionally trying to make this last forever. Which Sean was completely on board with. Forever would be too soon.

Sean found Max’s lips and kissed him deep. Max groaned husky low and offered his tongue. A gift Sean matched eagerly with his own. Max shoved his dick deeper. Hot licks danced through Sean’s ass. Danced as wicked bliss teased his G. But just like before, as the moans started coming, Max stopped to just hold Sean in his arms.

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