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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

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Squeezing his thighs for leverage around Max’s hips, Sean ground his pelvis up into Max’s abs. His dick pushed hard against that fantastic tat, its head nudged Max’s navel as Max thrust.

Oh, shit yeah...

Potent pleasure burgeoned fast. Sean moaned loud as fuck, his nuts tightening, his cock ready.

Max growled and swallowed it down, kissing Sean harder. “You gonna come for me?” He panted. “All over my stomach?”

“Yes!” Sean gasped. “Gonna come so fucking hard!”

“Shit, yeah. You better. Give me every fucking drop.” His thrusts turned erratic. He groaned against Sean’s lips. “Then I’m gonna fill you up with me, too.”

Just the thought sent Sean spiraling. His body locked up. Then a blast of brutal bliss straight-up slammed him. Right in the junk. “Ah! Max! Fuck!” His nuts ignited, then punched cum up his shaft.

Max snarled, thrusting faster as Sean pelted his abs, mercilessly driving Sean’s climax even higher. Till his prostate was coming just as hard as his dick. Till his body was nothing more than writhing muscle.

Sean’s lungs sawed for breath.

Max’s hips bucked and twitched.

“Fuck, cat—” he strained out, face grimacing in rapture. “So good. Oh, fuck! I’m gonna—come!”

Instinctively, Sean clenched, gripping as hard as he could. Max barked an urgent curse and slammed home.

“Uh!” Sean jerked, that last punch a beast. Then he felt it. Max’s cock unloading inside him. Deep inside his channel, pulsing against his G. Filling him with that thick, exquisite heat.

Max groaned with a full-body shudder and collapsed. Sean grunted with a laugh and tried to swallow. His mouth was dry and his heart was racing, and the man he would die for was heavy as shit. But hey, muscles weren’t light, and Sean was far from complaining. He’d happily stay pinned like this all night.

As if reading Sean’s mind, Max sighed and slid free, then unlinked their fingers and rolled off. Sean instantly felt bereft, but Max didn’t say a word. Just pulled Sean against him from behind.

Wow. Max was a spooner.

Sean’s fuck-drunk brain couldn’t believe it.

He smiled as Max’s warm breath skated across his neck. Gripped Max’s wrist and pressed his hand against Sean’s heart. “You’re getting my cum all over my back.”

“I know,” Max mumbled. “Was hoping it’d glue us together.”

Sean laughed. “That’s disgusting… But admittedly kinda genius.”

“Mmhmm…” Max nuzzled his face into Sean’s hair.

He was smiling. Just a little. Sean could hear it. Could even feel it. Max’s contentment was palpable. Fully sated and totally spent. Sean felt pretty similar, and it was amazing. Never had Max ever even remotely cuddled after sex. Aftercare. That was his version. And it always ended too soon. At least for Sean’s taste. He would’ve aftercare’d all night long. If Max had offered, that is. But he never had, which wasn’t much of a surprise. Back then, Sean was his client and nothing more.

Sean shifted against Max’s chest, trying to get closer. What was he to Max now? As they laid in his bed? Not Max’s client, that was for sure. But definitely not his man. After all, nearly every word Max muttered tonight had held that wistful connotation. That they weren’t a couple, that they weren’t a thing, even though Max had admitted he wished they were.

Which Sean could take at face value, but the optimist in him chose not to. Not because he was suddenly back to devising new plans, new strategies on ways to convince Max they belonged together. But because he had faith that, if given enough time, Max would come to that realization on his own.

Max hugged Sean from behind, nestling his semi between Sean’s cheeks. “Stay,” he murmured. His voice sounded drowsy. “Just a little bit longer… Just this once.”

Sean’s heart thump-bumped. Did Max want him to crash there? To sleep in his bed with him all night? As sad as it was, Sean had never done that before, but certainly wouldn’t mind making Max his first.

“I’ll stay as long as you want, Max. I gave you my word.”

Max chuckled softly and kissed his ear. “Okay… Let’s go with that.”

Sean stilled with a frown. Did Max think he was lying? That he planned on bolting the second Max fell asleep? If that was the case, then Max really was wasted. And Sean would take great fucking pleasure proving him wrong.

“Yes, let’s.” His lips quirked. “And in the morning, I’ll say I told you so.”

Another light chuckle. “I hope you do, so I can put your sassy ass over my knee.”

Sean grinned as Max reached down to pull a cover over their bodies. “Wow. What an awesome way to start the day.”

Max pulled him close again. “Such a hot little fool’s dream.”

“Hey, now.” Sean elbowed him. “You’re killing my buzz.”

Max sighed but didn’t reply. Which Sean was good with. He liked the quiet times between them, too. It let him focus on the littler things. Like Max’s heartbeat against his spine. The way his arm hair tickled Sean’s nipple.

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