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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

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Torture. Sean was pretty fucking sure this was torture. He bucked and squirmed, readying to beg, but at the last second, Max mercifully pulled back.

“So sensitive. My God,” he chuckled darkly.

Sean shot him a glare.

Max smirked and arrogantly gripped Sean’s cock. “Mine,” he rumbled, thumbing Sean’s crown.

All irritation vanished. Why be mad? Sean would rather be busting a nut. He rocked his hips suggestively, wanting more. Was Max planning to jack him off while he was bound to a chair? Max stroked his sensitive head a little more, then let Sean’s dick slap back to his abs.

Sean frowned, disappointed.

Max’s lips curved wryly. “Don’t worry, greedy slut. You’ll get your O. In fact, you’ll get quite a few of ‘em.”

Sean smiled, then stilled and frowned again. “A few? But…” He eyed Max and cocked a brow. “O’s do stand for orgasms, right?”

Max coughed a little laugh. “Yeah. They do.”

Sean studied him. “I don’t understand.”

Max ran two warm hands up Sean’s inner thighs. “Multiple orgasms. For guys. Never heard of them?”

“Multiple? No. I definitely have not.”

“Dry orgasms, then. You’ve heard of those.”

Sean drew another blank.

Max’s grin grew wider. “Well, then by all fucking means, let me be the first to acquaint you.”

Sean’s stomach flipped-flopped. His heart picked up speed. Aw, shit. There it was. That fire in Max’s eyes. Things were about to get really frickin’ good, but at the same time, really frickin’ bad.

Max picked up the olive oil, drizzled his index and middle finger, then moved in nice and close and sank them deep. Something that didn’t prove difficult in the slightest with all that oil still seeping from Sean’s body. Sean sucked in a breath, immediately clenching tight.

Max growled, free hand gripping Sean’s hip. “Alright. Here we go.” His gaze gleamed hotter. “Orgasm one. Won’t take long.”

Sean swallowed, mouth dry, instinctively bracing. Max fell into pistoning super-fast. Right off the bat, no gradually pumping faster. Just those two fingers and Sean’s hypersensitive G.

Sean’s whole body tensed, every muscle, every joint, as pleasure mushroomed fast through his channel. His eyes shot wide. Air caught in his lungs. “Oh—fuck—” he gasped. “Oh—Jesus fuck—” Exquisite pressure mounted, stronger, stronger.

At first it felt much like those other times when Max drove Sean wild while playing with his prostate. But soon, very soon, Sean could feel the difference. Max was operating with a much higher, honed intent. Stroking firmer, faster, never slowing, never easing, whereas those other times he’d always given Sean breathers. Not this time, though. Not at all. And since he’d already primed Sean’s G with that duster, things were progressing at a much swifter pace.

Sean quivered and quaked as Max careened him toward detonation. Oh, shit—Oh, fuck—the sensations—so strong! Sean arched off his seat. Max grinned and plunged faster. “Oh—Oh, God, Sir!—I think—I’m gonna—”

“Come?” Max asked, his timber crazy low. “Yeah, cat. You’re definitely gonna—Oh, shit. There it is.”

And he wasn’t fucking lying. Sean’s prostate had just ignited, pulsing like mad against Max’s fingers. Max paused, gaze hungry, as if savoring the feeling. “Yeah… Fuck yeah… God, you’re throbbing. Coming hard.”

But Sean couldn’t really hear him, was too busy shattering, as his first full-body climax stripped all awareness. Powering out bursts of white hot ecstasy from his prostate to every cell of his being. He trembled and shook for a good thirty seconds before his crazed G finally calmed down.

Slumping into his chair, tiny shivers still racking him, Sean tried really hard to catch his breath. “Fuck, Sir,” he panted. “That was... Shit... There aren’t words.”

Max chuckled sultry low. “Your first dry orgasm. Pretty fucking sweet, eh?”

“Yeah. And friggin’ intense.” Sean rocked his hips, his package still teeming. “But God, now I really need to come.”

“Mmm. That’s true. Because these kind of O’s are like a ninety-eight percent version of the real deal. Makes you crave that final bust more than ever, but in the meantime, gives you one hell of an alternative.”

Sean nodded, chest still heaving. “It lasted forever.”

Max grinned. “And they only get stronger.”

“Fuck,” Sean chuckled breathlessly. “I can’t even imagine.”

“In a second, beautiful boy, you won’t have to.”

Next thing Sean knew, he was quaking like mad again, Max’s fingers back to their wicked little jig. Sean detonated a second time. Max waited for him to finish, then started again with no breather.

“Unnnghfffuck!” Sean strained out—loudly—a minute later. “How d-do you keep m-making me c-come in m-my ass?”

“Ah, yeah,” Max purred. “Goddamn, feel you pulsing.” He eased to slow strokes. “That’s three. Now you count.”

Sean shuddered, gasping raggedly. “W-What?” he croaked.

Max smirked and pulled free. Toweled off his fingers. “Now you count,” he repeated slowly.

Sean’s frayed mind tried to make sense of Max’s logic. He’d removed his fingers, which meant no more orgasms. So why would Sean have to friggin’ count? But right as he opened his mouth to ask, Max pulled out his wallet and grabbed a condom. Sean stilled in happy surprise. Max was going to freaking bone him? Give Sean more O’s with his dick?

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