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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

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Max pulled off his shirt and ripped open his fly. “You sure you want this?” he grated, voice guttural. Sean nodded wildly, looking similarly crazed, then yanked Max even closer with his legs. Goddamn. Sometimes Max forgot how strong his little gymnast was. If Sean’s ass wasn’t perched at the edge as a bumper, his tug would’ve slammed Max’s dick into the desk.

Max caught himself quickly, nearly falling forward, his hands planting on either side of Sean’s head. Sean grinned and fisted Max’s hair again, tugging him down. Their lips fused hard for a second time. Max’s head fucking spun. He needed inside. Need inside his a stór.

Propping up on one arm, he fumbled blindly for his cock, then groaned as he wedged it between Sean’s cheeks. “Shit,” he bit out. “Can’t stop. You better push.”

“Do it,” Sean panted. “Oh, please, fucking do it.”

Max snagged Sean’s lip with his teeth and thrust. Sean gasped as Max slammed to the hilt. But Sean was good, Max knew he was, he’d just been startled. Hell, after everything Max had just crammed up his ass, if Sean wasn’t prepped now, he never would be.

Sean’s fingers gripped harder, nearly pulling Max’s hair out by the roots. A nice bite of pain to mix with the pleasure, spurring Max to get busy fucking. Dropping to his forearms, he shoved his hands under Sean’s shoulders, clutching them securely from underneath. Because, yeah, if you want to fuck fast and furiously, you’ve got to have a quality grip.

Assuming control of their kiss, he withdrew, then thrust in again. Air rushed from Sean’s mouth straight into Max’s. Max repeated the process, pulling back, slamming forward, quickly establishing a smooth, rapid rhythm.

Sean panted against his lips. “Oh, fuck, Sir—Ungh, fuck—”

Max held him closer, hips pumping. “My little slut.”

“Yes—God, yes—”

“So fucking needy.”

“Only—” Sean rasped out. “For you—”

Max’s haughty cock purred, then so did the rest of him. A reaction so strong, it made Max tense. He picked up speed, needing to skirt Sean’s words pronto, surging harder, deeper into his heat.

“How’s this feel?” Max rasped raggedly. “You think—you could handle this—day and night? Handle my—ruthless cock?”

Sean moaned against his mouth, his body starting to quake. “Yes—” he gasped out. “Because your dick—loves my ass—It’d wouldn’t wanna—break it—It’d be—nice.”

Max grinned. Couldn’t help it. His confident cat. If Max wasn’t so submerged in raw, carnal pleasure, Sean’s stubbornness would probably piss him off. But at the moment, all focus was on two simple places. Max’s cock, and the way Sean was gloriously gripping it, and his lips as he ravaged Sean’s mouth. Both points of contact fanning his flames, making his heart pound faster than ever.

Sean groaned super-loud, squeezing Max with his thighs. “Oh, f-fuck,” he panted, releasing Max’s hair. One hand gripped Max’s shoulder, the other shoved between their bodies. “Need to—fucking come so—fucking bad.”

Looked like someone wanted to start jacking off.

Max slid an arm free and gripped Sean’s wrist. “No.” He shook his head. “We come together.”

Sean’s anxious eyes met his. Something passed between them. Some unintentional, yet very real exchange. A whisper of souls. He could see it, feel it, in Sean’s deep, dark oceanic blues. Max stared at him, captivated. God, Sean was beautiful. So flushed and reeling. So ensnared in pure passion.

Sean winced a second later, nodding in compliance. “Shit—Okay—But please say you’re—

coming soon.”

Max’s lids hooded, even as his heart did the conga. “So greedy, caitín. I’ll come when I’m ready. And you’ll wait for me like a good little sub.”

Pinning Sean’s wrist to the desk beside his head, Max dropped back down atop him and resumed. This time, however, he buried his face in Sean’s neck. More kisses would undoubtedly continue messing with his head, and he needed to fucking focus. Because he was running out of time. That, and maneuvers. Sean was supposed to have relented fucking ages ago.

Should’ve known. Should’ve known. Should’ve fucking known.

Deep down, he suspected a part of him did. The part that didn’t care about repercussions. The part that wanted Sean all to himself. Stupid fucking part! If he could kick its ass, he would. Because chances were, knowing Sean, no matter how hard Max fucked him, there’d be no discouraging him now. Not if going by the sounds he was making, all moaning loud and euphorically in Max’s ear.

Max pistoned faster, thighs slamming into his desk. Aw, God, Sean’s noises. They were distracting him yet again. Detouring him from damage control, from getting a handle on the situation. Homing all awareness to Sean’s body. To the spot where their heaving chests were perpetually touching. To Sean’s mouth against Max’s neck, his breath so hot.

Max growled into Sean’s hair, pounding like a jackhammer, using all remaining strength to stave off orgasm. Because Sean wasn’t the only one close to busting. From the moment Max entered Sean’s smooth, slick heat, he too had been teetering on the edge.

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