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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

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Sean forced a smile. “Good.”

Jonah ambled into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and grabbed a Coke. “Man, it feels great to be done for the week.” He reemerged and dropped his ass down on the couch.

Sean nodded. “That it does.” His gaze slid back to his phone.

Jonah quieted and looked at him. Then followed Sean’s line of sight. “You waiting for a call or something?”

“More like debating if I should make one.”

“Yeah? To who?”

“To whom.”


Sean’s lips twitched. Jonah hated when he corrected his grammar.

Jonah waited impatiently.

Sigh. “To Max.”

Jonah eyed him for a second. “You don’t look happy about that.”

Sean shrugged. “He might get pissed.”

“Pissed if you call him?”


Jonah’s face screwed into a frown. “He has his way with you on a weekly basis but you’re not allowed to call him? Geez, what a tool.”

“No, I’m allowed. But only for emergencies.”

Jonah rolled his eyes. “How considerate.”

Sean smirked and shook his head. “The man has his reasons.”

“I bet he does. Reason one: he’s an asshole. Reason two: he’s a dick.” Jonah laughed. “Looks like you got the whole package there. Nice job, Sean. Seriously. Sweet catch.”

Sean fought not to laugh, too, and shoved Jonah’s shoulder. “He’s not a bad guy, Joe. I like him, so shut up.”

Jonah snickered, swigged some soda, then turned back to Sean. “So why you wanna call him? Obviously, that’s not the norm.”

Sean shrugged a second time. Looked away. “Just wanna talk.”

Jonah sobered. “Talk? Oh, God. Don’t like the sound of that.”

Sean did laugh that time, shoving Jonah again. “Yeah, well, I don’t like the sound of your face.”

Jonah grinned, straightening back up. “Thought you loved my face.”

Sean lifted his nose, then grumbled, “I do.”

Jonah beamed. “Speaking of which, whatchu got planned for tonight?”

Sean cocked his head thoughtfully. “Hmm. Nothing really. Something specific you wanna do?”

“Actually, yeah.”

Sean eyed him. “And that is?”

Jonah shifted a little, then squared his shoulders. Sean smiled. So adorable. “I wanna cash in on your promise.”

“My promise?”

“Yeah. The one you made me last weekend.”

Sean frowned, racking his brain.

“About Ledger?” Jonah prompted.

“Ohhhh. Right. Ledger. What, you’re ready for me to introduce you?”

Jonah rubbed his thighs. “Yeah. Yeah, I think I am.”

Sean nodded. “Okay. Tonight we hit Grangers.”

God knew, he could use the distraction.

Jonah inhaled deeply and forced an anxious smile. “Awesome.” But then he stilled and quickly frowned. “Oh, God. I’m meeting Ledger. Tonight. I’m gonna be sick.”

Sean chuckled. “Don’t be nervous. He already thinks you’re hot.”

Jonah’s eyes flared wider. He turned to face Sean fully. “Wait, what? He what? He thinks I’m hot?”

Sean couldn’t tamp his amusement. His friend was just too cute. “Yeah,” he laughed. “His exact words, actually.”

“But… But… I didn’t think he even knew I existed. I mean, I’ve tried making eye contact with him when I stop by your work, but I never thought I ever actually succeeded.”

Sean grinned and squeezed Joe’s knee. “Yeah? Good for you for trying.”

Jonah waved away his words, then batted Sean’s hand off his leg. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. So, you’re saying you two talked about me?”

“Kinda. He snuck up on me one night while you and I were texting. Saw your picture.” Sean’s grin widened. “Said you were hot.”

Jonah’s whole entire everything lit the fuck up. “Holy shit,” he breathed. “That’s so fucking cool…” But then he snapped out of it and punched Sean’s arm. “Dude! Why the shit didn’t you tell me this before?”

Sean laughed and rubbed said arm. “I dunno. Guess I forgot.”

Jonah scowled halfheartedly, but then swiftly resumed smiling. “Fine. Whatever. When you wanna go?”

Sean picked up his cell phone and checked the time. 6:22 PM. “Um. In fifteen? We can grab a bite on the way.”

“Make it twenty.” Jonah stood up. “Wanna shower. Get smellin’ good.”

Sean watched him, lips quirked. “Want some help with your digs?”

“Pshh,” Jonah scoffed, heading for his room. “I don’t need help picking out my damn clothes.”

“Ledger likes dark purple.” A color Joe couldn’t see.

Jonah paused and looked back at him. “Purple? Really?”

“Uh huh. Wears it all the frickin’ time.”

Joe thought on that for a second, then nodded his head. “I’ll meet you in my closet in ten.”

Sean grinned as Jonah swiftly ducked out of sight. Puppy dog. His roommate was a friggin’ puppy dog. Sean looked back at his cell phone. His smile faded.

To call or not to call, that was the question.

He sighed and leaned forward and swiped the thing up. He cared about Max. Needed to know he was okay. Steeling his resolve, Sean pulled up his contacts and settled for a happy medium.

Sean: Hey, Max. It’s Sean. You said to use this number if I ever had issues. Well, I do.

I’m worried about you. Text me back. Let me know you’re okay.

* * * * *

“Oh, God… I seriously… I’m seriously gonna puke.”

Sean glanced at Jonah as they stood against the bar, Ledger’s rendition of “Light ‘Em Up” filling the club. He actually did look kind of green. “Breathe, Jonah,” he chuckled. “He’s just a guy.”

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