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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

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“Chains,” Max muttered quietly. “He’s used to chains. And cuffs.”

“Ah… I see. Anything else I should know?”

Max made another lap. Sean watched his boots go. The man wasn’t exactly a sharer, always kept shit close to his chest. Would he divulge more? Or close down shop.

A long moment later, Max softly cleared his throat. “He likes his hair played with… in aftercare… It soothes him.”

Sean’s heart lurched in his chest. Max’s voice sounded… tender. Sean fought to keep his eyes down, to not look back up.

“And he likes to be petted… Not sure he even realizes it… But when I stroke his head… his jaw… under his chin…” Max exhaled slow. “He nuzzles my hand.”

Oh, God. A lump formed in Sean’s throat. Max’s words were going to kill him all over again.

Kai started on Sean’s ankles. “Mm. I see. So your hands, they soothe him the most.”

“Soothed,” Max muttered, coming to a stop by the sofa.

Ugh. Past tense. Like a kick in the gut. Sean swallowed around that lump and closed his eyes.

“Whatever. Anything else work?”

Max again seemed reluctant to answer. Although why he felt he was obligated to, Sean honestly had no idea. Max didn’t do anything he didn’t want to do. Felt he owed others exactly fucking nothing.

Max cleared his throat a second time. Then cleared it again. “Kisses reassure him… when he’s struggling extra hard… They ease him,” he rasped. “Calm him down.”

Tears welled in Sean’s eyes, didn’t matter that they were closed.

No, Max. Don’t you see? It was you who calmed me down. You who reassured me with your lips.

Kai’s busy hands slowed. Sean lifted his gaze. Max was standing in front of the end table carefully straightening Sean’s folded pile of clothes. Lining up the corners, smoothing out the wrinkles, then a slow brush of fingertips over Sean’s beanie. His expression was tight, his jaw muscles ticking, but those emerald eyes that Sean adored looked downright miserable.

Air left Sean’s lungs. Max was feeling this, too—but was still hanging tough, holding the line.

Max drew in a breath, eyes still locked on Sean’s clothes. Absently locked, though, as if he’d forgotten others were there, and he was just kind of talking to himself.

“He’s never late,” he went on quietly. “In fact, he’s always early… And he’s got a lot of spunk, so be ready.”

“Spunk,” Kai repeated.

Max nodded, gaze still down. “Yeah. He’s got a lot of juice. Always hangs tough. Never folds.”

“Ah. I see.”

“And he’s bold. Bold as shit.” Max coughed a tiny laugh and shook his head. “He’s tried every goddamn thing I’ve ever thrown at him.”

Sean’s lips curved sadly. Max just gave him a compliment—in his own kind of convoluted way.

Max’s small smile faded. “But he’s not a pain whore.” His eyes shot to Kai. “So do not go there.”

Whoa. His tone. That shift in his expression. Like he’d just flipped from nostalgic to flat-out fierce. Max met Sean’s gaze. Sean couldn’t look away, and for the briefest of moments, their souls reconnected. Sean could feel it implicitly. A part of Max reaching out to him. No doubt, a part Max didn’t realize was showing. But it was, and it was telling Sean something. Although, he wasn’t sure what. Its intensity was derailing his concentration.

His heart pounded faster. He needed a translation! Needed to understand what Max was saying.

Unfortunately, the moment ended just as quickly as it came, with Max looking away like nothing happened.

“Don’t worry, my man,” Kai chuckled. “I have his list of limits. Not gonna do a single thing he doesn’t consent to.”

Max nodded and dragged a hand through his auburn mane. “Right. Forgot.”

Kai gave a last tug to the rope at Sean’s ankles, the action pulling slightly on Sean’s wrists. Guess the two were connected, meaning Sean could sit back on his heels but wouldn’t be able to stand up.

“All right. All done.” Kai rose and walked around, then lifted Sean’s chin with his finger. Sean looked at his face, though his focus was still on Max, as Kai peered intently into his eyes. “Will you be staying, Max?” he murmured, holding Sean’s stare. “Or will you be giving your little ex and me some privacy?”

Sean’s pulse spiked anxiously, but he couldn’t look away. Kai was wordlessly commanding him to maintain eye contact.

Please, Max. Please. Don’t give me away.

Max didn’t reply for what felt like forever.

What was he doing? What was he thinking?

Sean’s heart hammered wildly.

“Neither,” Max finally answered, his tone sounding tight. “I’ll be watching from behind that glass.”

Kai glanced toward the two-way.

Sean’s heart all but flat-lined. Max wasn’t going to stop this. Hell, he probably wasn’t even going to watch. Tears pricked Sean’s eyes, but he fought them back.

Kai nodded to Max. “Alright. Enjoy the show.”

Max didn’t reply at all. Just fucking split.

Sean blinked away the blur and tried to swallow. Fuck. His chest ached so fucking bad, but no way would he back out like a chump. He may not want Kai the way his dumb ass wanted Max, but at least the guy was gorgeous, so it could be worse.

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