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She could feel him reveling in her body’s heated response, and she abandoned herself to his touch, glorying in the strength of his muscles bunching beneath her hands. And then his mouth opened more, pressing harder against her. She whimpered when she felt the soft probing of his tongue, stunned that she could be so aroused by such a caress. Then a tremulous wave of desire racked her body so fiercely that she sagged against him, her quivering legs unable to support her weight.

Kyle caught her as she fell, and turning, lifted her onto the mattress. Tenderly, he gazed down at the trembling, sexually aroused woman on the bed. He had never seen a woman more ready to be loved. Her delicate skin gleamed pale and rich in the candlelight, a striking contrast to the lush red brocade counterpane and the dark stockings that ran halfway up her thighs. And the contrast was no less erotic than her unconscious pose. Her thighs were slightly parted, and she lay bare and open to his gaze.

Sweat broke out on Kyle’s body in anticipation, despite the breeze coming through the open window. He had been denying himself, making the pleasure last, but the waiting was over.

Excitement flared through his senses as he stretched out beside her. His lips came down on Selena’s, insistent and urgent, his tongue sinking roughly into the depths of her mouth. And while his mouth ate hers greedily, he shifted his weight and settled himself between her legs, thrusting with one long, continuous motion into her pulsing, silky sweetness.

Selena felt the hard pressure of his hips on her inner thighs and gasped at the bright flare of sensation that shot through her as he filled her. He was enormous and hard and fiery hot, and she wanted him with a fierceness that shocked her. She arched against him, clasping him with her long legs, drawing him deeper as she clutched at the flexing muscles of his back. She held his powerful body so tightly that she felt the thud of his heart against her breast.

Kyle’s searing flesh branded her as he took her almost violently. She felt the passion building like a raging inferno, hot and wild, until at last her world erupted in a white-hot blaze that was too bright to bear. At the crest of her rapture, she cried out his name in ecstasy and heard Kyle’s groan of pleasure as his body shuddered with the same fierce delight.

It was some time before she regained her senses and became aware of the heaviness of Kyle’s weight and his harsh breathing in her ear. Not that she cared. The sharp edge of pleasure was receding slightly, leaving her languid and dazed.

Kyle recovered even more slowly. Eventually, he rolled onto his side to relieve Selena of most of his weight and pulled her with him, holding her close against his hard muscles, one of his sinewy legs still draped across her. A sheen of perspiration covered their bodies, and the night breeze was cool against their damp flesh.

Closing her eyes, Selena lay cradled against Kyle’s chest, listening contentedly to the steady rhythm of his heart, which mated with his languorous breathing. She liked feeling the naked heat and strength of him, liked breathing the clean male scent of him, which mingled with the musk of their lovemaking.

Kyle lay sated and unmoving, his thoughts scattered and fleeting yet centered around the woman in his arms. It was incredible the way she could torment and satisfy his senses at the same time. Even now, exhausted from the gratifying climax, he wasn’t immune to her tantalizing attractions. Her lips were parted slightly and her breath rippled across his skin, arousing his desire with a speed he hadn’t thought physically possible.

Still weak from the violence of his first brutal release, Kyle eased his shoulder from beneath her cheek and pushed himself up, resting his weight on one elbow to gaze down at Selena. Her silver hair was splayed in disarray over the red counterpane, her exquisite face flushed. Her lips were swollen and glistening from his kisses, her nipples still puckered and aroused.

A heartbeat later, she opened her eyes drowsily. Seeing where his gaze was focused, Selena pulled away in embarrassment, bringing one arm up to cover her naked breasts. Kyle caught her hand gently and held it away. “No, let me look at you.”

His eyes roved over her slim body, lingering at the juncture of her thighs, where he had found such a haven of pleasure.

Selena’s hips shifted slightly in involuntary reaction as she fought the urge to squirm under the heat of his gaze. “Kyle… should you? I’m not sure it’s right.”

His mouth curved in an intimate smile. “Yes, it is ri

ght, Moonwitch. You’re my wife. And I don’t want a prim and proper lady in my bed.” When a blush tinged her cheeks, Kyle chuckled. “Don’t be upset, sweetheart. You weren’t acting the lady a minute ago. I distinctly remember you screaming with pleasure.”

Her eyes widened in disbelief. “I didn’t scream.”

“Liar.” He said the word softly, with a secret light of laughter in his eyes.

Selena’s blush deepened and he reached up to trace the outline of her ear with one finger. “It makes a man,” he added with gentle amusement, “feel powerful to hear his woman scream.”

“Kyle…please.” He was teasing her, she knew, but still she couldn’t quite feel comfortable with it.

He stopped, his gaze gentling as his fingers played in the wisps of her hair. “You enjoyed our lovemaking, Selena, admit it.”

She hesitated. “Well… yes.” But she said it in such a shy voice that it made Kyle all the more determined to overcome her reticence. Her reserve, her shyness challenged him.

Deliberately, he trailed his fingers down her lustrous, bare skin to the pale triangle of down and watched her eyes flutter shut, her lips part in anticipation. The pattern of her breath changed as her hips rose slightly to strain against his hand.

Kyle smiled softly, delighting in her unconscious sensuality.

He bent his head, pressing his lips against the quickening pulse at her throat. He would make her lose her inhibitions, he vowed. He would lead her to discover the depths of her own passion.

It would be a fair exchange, he thought as he nuzzled his face deep into the satiny skin between her breasts. She was teaching him to manage a cotton plantation. He would teach her the meaning of pleasure.

Chapter Fourteen

Selena woke to the sensation of Kyle’s hands on her breasts and his body curved around hers, pressed against her back. He was warm and hard, his rising maleness stiff and insistent against the backs of her thighs.

Drowsily she opened her eyes, disoriented for a moment by the delicious warmth. Sunshine streamed in the open window, flooding the strange red room with brightness. When she saw the clothing scattered over the floor, though, she remembered the activities of the previous night and blushed. Turning her head on the satin pillow, she glanced up at Kyle, seeing the golden flecks in his eyes that danced like warm sunlight.

“Morning, Moonwitch,” he said huskily.

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