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The Murderers (Badge of Honor 6)

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23. Q. Did you shoot Officer Kellog?

A. No.

24. Q. Do you have any knowledge whatsoever of the shooting of Officer Kellog?

A. No. None whatsoever.

25. Q. How would you categorize the relationship of Officer Kellog and his wife?

A. They were estranged.

26. Q. Do you know where Mrs. Kellog went to live when she left the home of her husband?

A. With me.

27. Q. Do you have a department-issued firearm, and if so, what kind?

A. Yes, a .38 Special Caliber Colt snub nose.

28. Q. Where is this firearm now?

A. In the gun locker.

75–331D (Rev.7/70) Page 429. Q. Would you be willing to turn this firearm over to me now for ballistics and other testing in connection with this investigation?

A. Captain, I go on at midnight. When would I get it back?

(Captain Quaire) I’ve got a Cobra in my desk. You can use that.

30. Q. Do you own, or have access to, any other firearms?

A. Yes, I have several guns at my house.

31. Q. You have stated that Mrs. Kellog resides in your home. That being the case, would Mrs. Kellog have access to the firearms you have stated you have in your home?

A. Yes.

32. Q. Precisely what firearms do you have in your home?

A. I’ve got a .45. An Army Model 1911A1 automatic. And an S & W Chief’s Special. And a Savage .32 automatic. And there’s a .22, a rifle. A Winchester Model 12 shotgun, 12 gauge. And a Remington Model 70 .30–06 deer rifle.

33. Q. And Mrs. Kellog has had access to these firearms?

A. Yes.

34. Q. Do you believe Mrs. Kellog had anything whatsoever to do with the shooting of her husband?

A. I do not.

35. Q. Would you be willing to turn over any or all of the firearms in your home to me for ballistic, and other testing in connection with this investigation?

A. Yes.

36. Q. Would you be willing to do so immediately after this interview is completed? Go there with myself or another detective and turn them over?

A. Yes.

75–331D (Rev.7/70) Page 537. Q. Where were you between the hours of six pm last evening and ten o’clock this morning?

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