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Yours Truly, Cammie

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“I can’t believe I’m admitting this…” I intoned, “But I’m so embarrassed that you saw that.”

That only made him cackle harder. I continued to stare at the blanket on my lap until he finally gave up and caught his breath.

When I got the nerve to look over at him, his eyes were twinkling with amusement.

“Tell me something, Cammie.” I clenched my teeth at how raspy and sexy his voice suddenly sounded saying my name. I literally felt my body heat from the inside out. “Did he ever…please you?”

I groaned internally and sat up a little straighter. “That’s hardly your business, Luke.” My voice dripped with irritation, which was a serious telltale sign that my answer was, No. Grant never really pleased me. He was a lousy lay, but I was blinded by lust. Or stability. Whatever it was that held me to him.

The idea came to me so quickly that I pretty much yelled it, “I’m actually a virgin.”

I heard the gasp from Luke before I looked over. His mouth was hanging wide open and his eyebrows shot up towards his forehead, crinkling the skin.

I couldn’t hold in my giggle.

He shoved my arm softly and shook his head. “Good one, but I knew you weren’t a virgin.”

“What? How?” I asked, innocently.

“Because no virgin responds like you did the other night…”

That had me closing my mouth, abruptly. Visions of his mouth on my nipple came crashing through my mind. Mmhm, I’m in trouble.

We sat in silence a little bit longer, and if I’d thought the air was full of tension earlier, now it was completely suffocating. Sitting here, on this couch, mere inches from Luke, smelling the fresh rain mixed with his scent, his hair jumbled on top and still a bit damp…it was intoxicating. I felt drunk on him, and I hadn’t even touched him.

My body was literally humming.

“Let’s dance,” he uttered and I turned toward him, eyes narrowing.


“Come on,” he jumped off the couch, blankets falling to the floor. “Let’s dance.”

Trying my best to get out of the situation, I said, “There isn’t any music. I’m not dancing with you.”

“Listen,” he whispered, standing a few feet from me. He reached his hand for mine. “The rain can be our music.”

The room was filled with silence, except for the pattering of the rain against the house and the wind whistling and howling from a distance. My heart went into triple speed in my chest, staring at his long fingers stretched out to meet mine.

“Live a little, Doc.”

My eyes flew to his, and even though I knew I shouldn’t have done it, knew that I shouldn’t be letting myself get caught up in him, I still found myself walking over to him without an ounce of resistance from my limbs.

It was almost like he was honey and I was the bee. I couldn’t stay away, even if I’d tried.


The second I took the last step in front of Luke, my heart felt calm. It felt even calmer when I wrapped my hands around his neck, and then when his glided their way to my lower back. I trembled when they landed on me, but I pretended like I was just chilly from my escapade outside. He had a serious effect on my body, and he knew it.

I stared straight at his chest, rocking back and forth in the middle of his barely lit living

room, feeling myself melt into a swoony puddle full of Luke. The way his hands felt on my back, the way his chest rose and fell ever so softly…I was in too deep. Way. Too. Deep. I was going to need more than a lifejacket to get out of this mess.

“We shouldn’t do this, Luke,” I whispered, tightening my hands around his neck.

His breath was warm as it trailed down my neck, “Why?”

I opened my mouth to say something again, but he interrupted me, “I planned to dance with you at the ball, and we didn’t get a chance. Just—” We continued swaying back and forth, our feet never once stumbling into one another’s. “Just let me dance with you…”

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