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Yours Truly, Cammie

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JoJo bobbed her head up and down. “Right. So, stop thinking the worst.”

My chest started to rise and fall faster as I shouted, “What if it’s triplets?!”

“Cammie! Stop.” JoJo’s loudness made my attention whip to her warm gaze.

Tears started to threaten my eyes. “He’s married, Jo.”

My heart felt sad. I felt sad. Everything felt sad. Was this how Eeyore felt all the time? God, that poor, depressed donkey.

My voice broke, “I know, rationally, it’s probably not his baby. But that doesn’t change the severity of this situation… he’s married.”

JoJo grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. She didn’t let go, and that’s when I finally let the tears fall.

/> I knew I’d been playing with fire. I just hadn’t realized I was playing with a whole goddamn wildfire.

* * *

Luke didn’t email that night or the following day. I bounced ideas back and forth over what I should do. He was there. I was here. Several thousand miles were in between us. Do I confront him in an email? The military daughter and sister in me knew that would be a low blow. It would be like sending a Dear John letter to someone. It was ruthless and downright dirty, but…

He lied.

He was married.

He’d kind of brought it on himself.

I did something I knew I shouldn’t have, but I did it anyway. I tiptoed into my kitchen and grabbed another bottle of wine, courtesy of JoJo wiping out the entire stock this afternoon at our small grocery store and flipped the lid of my laptop up.

Once I pulled up my inbox, my heart cracked a little more in my chest. I clenched my molars together, opening the picture of Luke smiling at me in front of that same cave my brother had stood in front of. How could he be so sweet and then this happens?

I shook my head, preparing myself for a long, tiring night. Isn’t this what we do, as humans, when we’re heartbroken? We just dig ourselves into a deeper hole of hurt in the midst of reminiscing on every little thing that made us happy before the supposed “love of our lives” fucked us over?


And that was exactly what I was going to do. I was going make sure to spend extra long on my favorite emails from him, mourning our short little love story that apparently did not get to have a very happy ending.



Subject: Do you remember…


That one time…



RE: Subject: Do you remember…


Do I remember what?

P.S. Did you make it okay?

P.S.S. How did you even get my email?

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