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The Billionaire's Virgin Temptation

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‘Well said, and you’ll get no argument about that from me. But surely you can see how having a lead partner on the case transmits a level of gravitas to the proceedings that might not otherwise be there.’

‘You mean it will intimidate the opposition to have Sam Ventura on the case?’

Sam inclined his head. ‘I have a reputation for winning, but then so do you. I think Drew’s idea is that together we’ll make a formidable team.’

‘And if I disagree?’ she asked archly.

Sam regarded the jut of her chin and stiff back and decided to push her some more. ‘Another decision that isn’t yours to make.’

She made a low sound in the base of her throat, her eyes shooting daggers at him. ‘Fine. Do whatever you like. It’s not as if I can stop you from coming in and taking over, is it?’

Sam ran a frustrated hand through his hair. ‘Ruby, this isn’t about your ability to run the case, or us dropping it, and it’s not about me coming in and taking over. But this case is a class action. You’re going to need senior counsel on it whether you like it or not.’

She gave a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping a little. ‘It’s not a class action any more. Another client has dropped out, leaving only six.’

‘Six?’ That shocked him. ‘You started with nineteen.’

‘I know. Carter Jones and his cronies have already started intimidating them. The boys don’t understand the system and therefore they don’t trust it. But the remaining six want to go ahead and I intend to stand by them.’

Sam drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair. Six wasn’t going to be enough to defeat Jones. ‘Set up a meeting with all nineteen,’ he said decisively. ‘I’ll speak with them.’

‘All nineteen?’ Ruby looked at him dubiously. ‘I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I don’t want the remaining six to pull out as well.’

Sam raised a brow. ‘You don’t trust me very much, do you, Ruby?’

‘It’s not a question of trust,’ she said, her eyes not meeting his. ‘I don’t want you wasting your time if you don’t have to.’

‘Now it’s my turn to get something straight with you,’ he began quietly. ‘I’m a big boy, Ruby, and believe it or not I’m fully able to decide what is, and what isn’t, a waste of my time. Understand?’

‘Of course.’

Sam watched her even white teeth sink into her bottom lip and felt his body react. He could see that she still wasn’t happy about him stepping in and he now knew it wasn’t entirely due to her ego being pricked. Which left only one other issue outstanding between them.

‘Now is that it? Or is there another reason you don’t want to work with me?’

Harried green eyes cut to his. ‘I didn’t say I didn’t want to work with you.’ She let out a breath and, to her credit, tried to smile. ‘You’re Miller’s brother-in-law. Why wouldn’t I want to work with you?’

‘Perhaps because we have more history between us than my brother and his wife,’ he said equally as coolly. ‘Perhaps because I’ve had my mouth on yours.’

Not to mention on your neck, your hair, your breasts.

A momentary flicker of panic darkened her emerald eyes before she shut it down, reaching for her water glass, her hand trembling only slightly as she brought it to her lips. ‘That was two years ago and has nothing to do with any of this.’

‘Doesn’t it?’

‘Of course not. It was an impulsive, late-night thing on both our behalves and it meant nothing.’

Sam didn’t like hearing her say it had meant nothing to her, even though he had told himself the same thing at the time. But what happened two years ago was chicken feed compared to what had happened between them on Friday night.

‘Since we haven’t seen each other since then,’ she continued doggedly, ‘we should...we should...’ She shrugged one slender shoulder. ‘Just forget it ever happened.’

Sam stared at her for a beat. ‘But we have seen each other since then, Ruby.’ His ego scratched at the surface of his skin, goading him to push her. ‘At Miller and Tino’s wedding nearly a year ago? Don’t you remember?’

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