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The Billionaire's Virgin Temptation

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‘Time for us to leave,’ he growled softly, noticing a fine tremor go through her as his hand settled against her lower back. He inhaled through his nose, drawing her rose-tinted scent into his lungs before he thought better of it.

‘The keynote’s not finished yet,’ she whispered back.

‘I know.’ He glanced over his shoulder to see Missy getting closer. ‘I won’t tell Drew if you don’t.’

Ruby glanced behind him and then tipped her face up to his, her eyes dancing with an impish light that reminded him of the Ruby he had met in that bar two years ago. ‘Missy looks like she wants another word with you.’

Sam took Ruby’s arm in a light hold. ‘Exactly why we have to leave.’

As he was about to surreptitiously tug her towards the exit doors the keynote chose that moment to wrap it up. Polite clapping ensued and before Sam could take control once more he found their way blocked by someone else. A man this time.

‘Ruby.’ Chester Harris, the stockbroker from Tino and Miller’s wedding, zeroed in on Ruby like a heat-seeking missile.

‘Sam.’ Missy Lawson did the same to him as she barrelled to a halt beside him.

‘Chester,’ Ruby said with surprise.

‘Missy,’ Sam said through gritted teeth. ‘We were just leaving.’

‘My father wants to run a small legal matter past you,’ Missy purred. ‘It shouldn’t take long.’

Sam unclenched his jaw long enough to let Ruby know he’d be no more than five minutes.

‘That’s fine,’ she said, ‘I can find my own way home.’

Sam stopped her with a look. ‘Do not leave without me this time, Clarkson.’ His tone promised all sorts of trouble if she did.

Ruby’s eyes flashed like polished emeralds in the bright light of the hotel ballroom, her jaw tight. He didn’t know if her curt nod at his blatant order meant that she would wait or not, and he was further irritated when she allowed Chester Harris to take her arm as they walked away. Had he been the date she’d needed to cancel in order to be here with him?

Realising that the knot behind his rib cage was jealousy only made Sam’s mood blacker. He really needed to get a handle on Ruby Clarkson and how she made him feel.

Thirty long minutes later he assured John Lawson that his latest author was unlikely to be in breach of any copyright laws, gave Missy what he hoped was a polite smile and went in search of Ruby.

His blood pressure, already raised by Harris’s proprietary manner with her earlier, shot a little higher when he found him hemming Ruby in against one of the large supporting pillars in the cavernous room.

‘Harris,’ he said in a low, dangerous voice. I believe you have something of mine. ‘I didn’t expect to see you here tonight.’

‘Sam Ventura.’ He gave Sam a smile that displayed every one of his freshly capped teeth. ‘The last time we met was at your brother’s wedding if I’m not mistaken.’

‘Was it?’ Sam considered the merits of bruising his knuckles on the other man’s jaw and taking a few of those shiny teeth out in the process. If nothing else it would distract him from the unexpectedly possessive thought he’d just had about Ruby being his. It made him feel raw. Exposed.

Ignoring Harris, he stared down at Ruby. ‘Ready to go?’

‘You’re leaving already?’ Harris’s eyes widened with interest. ‘Together?’

‘We came together,’ Ruby supplied hastily. ‘We shared a car.’

They’d shared a lot more than a car and right now Sam didn’t give a damn if Harris knew it. ‘And now we’re leaving. Together,’ he finished, setting his hand to the small of Ruby’s back as he steered her towards the exit.

Sidestepping his touch, Ruby smiled at various delegates as they worked their way out of the room.

‘Why did you have to say that?’ she hissed, frowning at him as their limousine driver opened the rear door.

‘Get in.’ Ignoring her question, Sam ushered her into the plush interior and followed close behind. Her gaze glittered with feminine outrage as he settled on the leather seat opposite her, which only irritated him more.

‘Are you going to answer me?’ she demanded hotly.

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