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The Billionaire's Virgin Temptation

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‘I’ve just heard that Jones has called a mediation meeting for this afternoon,’ he said, his dark eyes holding hers. ‘Are we ready for it?’

Quickly shifting gear from the personal to the professional, and hating the sick, insecure feeling clawing at her stomach, Ruby exhaled slowly. ‘Yes. He’s panicking because of the media leak last week, and also because we’ve refiled a motion with the court for a class action suit. He’s also no doubt wanting to capitalise on the fact that the mobile phone videos we have showing his managers browbeating their employees will likely be inadmissible in court.’

‘Move in for the kill while he assumes we’re hurting more than he is,’ Sam suggested.


Nodding, Sam glanced at his mobile phone. ‘I’ve cleared my diary for the next few hours. What time are you both leaving for his office?’

He’d cleared his diary? Ruby hadn’t even known he was back in the country. He hadn’t sent her a single text since asking how her afternoon went with her mother on Sunday. God, she hoped he didn’t sense how off-balance she felt right now.

‘An hour.’

Holding her gaze, Sam spoke to Grant. ‘Give us a minute, would you, Grant?’

It wasn’t a request and Grant didn’t take it as one, balancing his open laptop in his arms as he left them alone.

Sam closed the door behind him and Ruby’s throat bobbed as she swallowed. ‘Was there something else?’

Sam came towards her, rounding her desk in three easy strides. ‘Yes.’ He pulled her to her feet, his eyes searching hers. ‘I’ve missed you.’

Stunned, Ruby could only stare up at him. She’d slipped her shoes off under her desk, so she felt tiny as he towered over her, his dark, hot eyes pinning her to the spot. Her heart was beating so hard inside her chest she’d be surprised if he couldn’t hear it as clearly as she could.

‘You’ve got exactly two seconds to tell me no before I kiss you,’ he murmured gruffly.

‘I...’ She moistened her lips, utterly intoxicated by the heady rush at having all that power and strength completely focused on her.

‘One.’ He stepped forward.

‘We shouldn’t.’

He took another step, his gaze on her mouth. ‘That’s not a no. Two.’

Not realising that he’d backed her against the wall until she felt its solid presence behind her, she flattened her hands against his hard chest. She knew if she told him to back off that he would. In a second. She didn’t want him to. Instead she slid her hands to his shoulders and moaned his name as his mouth crashed down over hers.

The kiss was delicious. Deep and drugging. Sam’s rough growl and powerful body letting her know just how much he wanted her. Ruby went liquid.

At that point she wouldn’t have cared if Drew and his father, and the whole executive team, were crowded into the room taking notes. She’d missed Sam more than she wanted to admit and it was heaven to be in his arms again. To be touching him again.

Fortunately Sam did care, easing back to rest his forehead against hers. When he felt her legs take her weight once more he released her and took a step back. ‘Sorry. I know that crossed your line, but the last two weeks have been interminable. Have dinner with me tonight.’

‘Okay.’ It wasn’t the weekend but she couldn’t have cared. ‘Oh, no! I can’t. I promised Molly I’d run through lines with her tonight. She has a big audition coming up.’

‘How long will that take?’

‘Not all night.’

His smile was slow and full of sensual promise just as Veronica hurried in carrying a packing box. ‘I just found this in—Oh, sorry, I didn’t realise you had someone with you.’

‘I was just leaving,’ Sam said smoothly. ‘Tonight,’ he added before leaving them.

Veronica set the box on Ruby’s desk. ‘I finally located your missing books.’ She started unpacking them. ‘So what’s on tonight?’

‘Nothing...’ Ruby surreptitiously smoothed the corners of her mouth, thankful that she hadn’t reapplied her lipstick after lunch. ‘Just a...a work thing.’

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