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Unspoken Rules (Rules 2)

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“Winter, meet my dad.”


The Chase

I observe the man standing in front of me, my gaze shifting from his cold blue eyes that show absolutely no sign of kindness whatsoever to his black and slightly gray hair. Now I know where Haze’s eyes come from. I was certain I’d seen this man before, and I was right. He was in the family portrait back at the lake house.

His severe and tired features somehow make his purpose as clear as the sun in the sky. This man’s goal in life is to make money, nothing else. From what he just said, he’s a doctor who owns several medical clinics, which explains how he could afford to invest in Colton Gate and real estate in the first place. I know Maria’s friend, Thomas, is rich with just one clinic. I can’t even imagine having several.

“And by the way, I never answer your texts or calls because they’re always about the same thing,” Haze growls at his dad.

“And they’ll always be about the same thing until you come to your senses and realize that we’re right.”

Haze sighs. “Can you just do your job and make sure that she’s all right?”

His father’s eyes stop on me, and once again, I get the feeling that he’s judging me. Maybe he thinks I can’t possibly be rich enough for his kid. Maybe he thinks I’m temporary. Whatever the reason is, he hates me.

“Under one condition.” Richard crosses his arms. “You show up to the reception your mother is organizing for her new collection Tuesday after next week. It starts at seven. You should have plenty of time to explain to us why on earth you moved out of the house we bought for you and your brother,” he says dryly.

God, if he only knew.

I assume he has no idea about the fights. I can’t possibly imagine Tanner coming clean to his parents. Mom, Dad, I kidnapped Haze and his girlfriend and tried to kill them. Might be why baby bro moved out and doesn’t show up to family dinners anymore. But, hey, it’s just a guess.

My mind sticks to what Richard said about a new collection. I assume that means Haze’s mother works in fashion.

“Will he be there?” Haze frowns

“Of course he will. He’s part of the family and the only one who still visits us.”

“Then I’m not coming.”

“You will if you want me to examine your lady friend here.” Richard raises his eyebrows, and I have to admit his arrogance is familiar. His son had to learn it somewhere. Haze clenches his jaw, irritation covering his face, and looks my way. I’m fine. I won’t let him manipulate Haze for a checkup I probably don’t even need.

“I feel fine, really.” I force a smile.

“I don’t care, Winter. You fainted,” Haze says.

“I promise I’m okay.”

Richard cackles. “Or so you think.”

It’s been two minutes and I already hate the man.

No wonder why Haze gets irritated at the mere mention of him.

“You’re not seriously going to listen to her, are you? She hit her head so hard she fainted. She might have a concussion. Is a little evening with family so terrible that you won’t even make sure your girlfriend is okay?”

I know we’re not technically together, but I don’t see the point in correcting his father. He’s clearly an asshole, and if I tell him we’re not dating, he’ll find great pleasure in saying that Haze’s an irresponsible player who can’t commit to anything. Haze stares at me from the corner of his eye, like he’s waiting for me to deny the title, but I never do. A small smile spreads across his face.

“Oh, and one more condition.”

“What now?” Haze rolls his eyes.

“Your girlfriend will also be joining us.”

Is he serious? Did he really just invite me to a party where I’ll see the guy who got me kidnapped and locked in a basement? Thank you, but I’ll pass.

“Not a chance,” Haze says.

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