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Counting On You (Counting the Billions 2)

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I laughed. “I know,” I said, snuggling up against his side, still basking in the afterglow of good sex. “You make breakfast every morning too.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Daniel sighed, but he didn’t sound upset. Just unhappy.

I had straightened up a little so that I could look down at his face, suddenly wondering if the lack of media involvement was getting to him. He had told me that wasn’t the only reason he was interested in me, and I believed him. I believed when he told me that he actually cared about me. But at the same time, I couldn’t help wondering if he actually liked being in the public eye.

I tried to put all of that out of my mind, though. Daniel was taking me away for the weekend, to somewhere unspecified, and I liked to think that would make him feel less bored about what we had been up to recently. I just wished I knew where we were off to. Packing, without knowing, had been a nightmare.

I hurried downstairs and met Daniel just as he was pulling up outside my apartment building.

“Hey, babe,” he said to me, pulling me close against his body and giving me a kiss.

I grinned, leaning into him. “You’re still not going to give me any sort of clue about where we’re off to this weekend, are you?” I asked him.

Daniel laughed. “You’ve already committed to whatever it is that you packed,” he pointed out. “I don’t think it’ll make much of a difference now.”

“Fair enough.” I sighed. But I smiled up at him, unable to hide my enthusiasm over the mystery.

Daniel bent down and grabbed my bags, slinging them into the back of his fancy sports car. But overall, we were hurrying to get into the car, I could tell, from the way he opened my door for me. He didn’t want to be seen with me even here, in my quiet, residential neighborhood that I lived in. I tried not to sigh again.

We chatted along the drive, and I had to laugh as Daniel sang along to the radio for a couple songs. “What?” he asked me.

I shook my head. “You’re just really cute,” I finally told him. He grinned back at me.

“We’re here,” he announced a little while later, as we pulled up in front of the most luxurious hotel I had ever seen. My nervousness only got worse as we walked into the lobby. God, this place was fancy, with draping crystal chandeliers overhead and soft classical music setting the atmosphere. I had dressed somewhat conservatively, like I would for work, but even still, I felt a little awkward walking in there next to Daniel.

And how the hell were we supposed to stay incognito here? I swallowed hard, wondering if maybe this was Daniel’s way of telling me that he didn’t want us to stay out of the press anymore.

Daniel glanced over at me and caught my hand, giving it a light squeeze. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable,” he said in an undertone. “But the owner of this place is really good about making sure that the press can’t sneak in here, so we’ here.”

I smiled at him, appreciating that at least. “I just wish you’d warned me to break out the family jewels in advance,” I muttered back in an undertone.

Daniel stifled a laugh as we reached the reception desk.

It wasn’t just that we were staying at a fancy hotel, though. No, we were up in the penthouse on the top floor of the place. I shook my head when we got there. “This is pretty swanky,” I said to Daniel, only half-joking.

He laughed. “Well, I wanted to make sure that if we really wanted to stay incognito and stay in the room the whole time, we were going to have a pretty comfortable stay.” He winked at me, and I could feel my body flush all over.

“Stay in th

e room the whole weekend?” I asked, arching an eyebrow at him. “What could we possibly do?”

Daniel caught me around the waist, dragging me close to him, a grin on his face. “I can’t imagine,” he said innocently. “I mean, there’s a pool and a Jacuzzi out on the sundeck. That might be a place to get started, at least?”

I giggled. “What if I’ve forgotten to bring a bathing suit?” I asked.

Daniel smirked. “Then it’s a good thing we have a private room,” he said wickedly. “Or I guess you can wear a bra and panties if you really don’t want to be naked around me.”

I laughed and shook my head. “And what are we going to do for food? I’m going to need a bra and panties so that I can go get food, I’m pretty sure.”

Daniel shrugged. “We could always just stay here and order room service,” he reminded me. “In fact, I like the idea of that. Maybe I’ll order a tray of chocolate-covered strawberries to get us started.” He leaned in even closer to me, pressing his forehead against mine. “I want to spend the whole weekend spoiling you,” he told me.

I ventured farther into the suite, exploring it. “So...the couch, the bed, the other bed, the counter. Are we going to make it our weekend goal to have sex as many places as we can?” I asked teasingly.

Daniel laughed. “We could,” he said. He caught me another time. “But I think the first place is going to be right here.” He pressed his lips against mine and bore me laughingly toward the floor as he kissed his way down my neck and jaw.

I pushed him off me. “Wait—I want to see what our options are first,” I told him, shrieking as he tickled me.

Daniel sighed, putting his hand over his heart as he lay back against the carpet. I laughed, watching him. “Come on, I’ve never been to somewhere as cool as this,” I told him. “It’s your own fault for bringing me somewhere this nice.”

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