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Counting On You (Counting the Billions 2)

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Right now, though, I couldn’t help feeling totally in tune with the relief that was coursing through my body. Matt was going to be okay, and Daniel had helped take care of the medical bill. I was sure that I was falling in love with this man, and he seemed to genuinely care about me as well. Why not put off the tricky conversations for a later time? This weekend was supposed to be about just the two of us, spoiling each other. It had turned into a very different sort of weekend, but there was still time left to get things back on track with what I had wanted from t

he start of it.

I leaned up on my toes, my lips easily finding Daniel’s as he lowered his head toward mine. His arms tightened around my body as though he would never let me go. But all too quickly, he was pulling away from me again, resting his forehead against mine, his hands loosely gripping my ass.

“Unless you want me to fuck you right here in the middle of the hallway, you need to make a decision,” he said, his voice husky. “Either tell me to leave right now, or else give me a tour of the place, preferably one that starts in your bedroom.”

I giggled and grabbed his hands, leading him through my apartment and back toward my bedroom.

I hadn’t really intended for this to happen when I had called Daniel over there, I reflected as we walked. I had meant to just ask him about the money, and to ask if we could relax and watch a movie or something. I was still just feeling a little lost in my own feelings after such a hectic, emotional roller coaster of a weekend.

But it was Daniel, after all. Just seeing him made me feel a thousand times better than I had when I had first gotten home from the hospital. He somehow managed to make me laugh in spite of it all. And not only that, but my body was remembering what we had been up to before Leanne had called with news of the accident.

It remembered that promise of a shower together, the promise of Daniel’s hands against my skin, all the foreplay of Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Now, my body absolutely ached to have him inside of me, to hold him close, to know that everything really was going to be all right, even if that “all right” was short-lived, even if there was so much that he and I still needed to discuss.

Daniel frowned at me and dragged me to a stop just before we crossed the threshold into his bedroom. “You know, we don’t have to do this right now,” he said.

“You don’t want to?” I asked in surprise, searching his face for any clue as to why he wouldn’t want to.

But Daniel shook his head. “Trust me, I want to,” he said, shifting so that his erection was obvious against the front of his pants. “But you look like you’re a little preoccupied. Maybe we should save this for another time.”

I shook my head quickly, knowing that if we didn’t do this now, right now, then we were going to have The Talk. You know, the one about our intentions. About where this could possibly be going. We weren’t going to be able to keep this relationship a secret forever, and this weekend had only cemented that more surely into my mind. I wanted Leanne and the kids to know about my relationship, and I was sure that Daniel wanted to share our relationship as well.

But as soon as there were too many people who knew about it, it was only a matter of time before someone leaked the information to someone. It was only a matter of time before the press was hounding us again, until we could never even snatch a few moments alone without them knowing about it.

What was that joke, after all: “You can only keep a secret between three people if two of them are dead”?

“I want this,” I told Daniel quietly, even though there was a part of me that knew this wasn’t the adult thing to do. The right thing to do would be to tell him about my worries now, before either of us got into this any deeper. I didn’t even think it was going to be possible to continue working for him if we called things off again this time, that was the scary thing. I would be losing him from my life entirely.

But there was another part of me that wanted to forget all about the disasters of the weekend and just focus on this, us. The way that it should have been all along. There was a part of me that just wanted to have this. Because if I was already too far down the path of no return, if my feelings were already so tied up in this, then what did it hurt? It couldn’t possibly make me feel any worse when we eventually went our separate ways, and besides, I already knew that we weren’t going to be able to work together after this anyway.

Not to mention the fact that I didn’t want to have that conversation now, not when I already felt so brittle after the emotions of the weekend. I wanted him to stay, and if he was going to stay, we were either going to end up talking or else end up in bed together.

Again, maybe not the most mature decision to make, but it was the one I chose to make.

“I want this,” I repeated as I stripped out of my clothes, letting them fall to the floor. Daniel groaned wordlessly and stripped out of his own clothes, leaving them in another heap on the floor. He advanced toward me and caught my hips, pulling my naked skin flush against his own. I could feel his heartbeat beneath the fingertips I had resting against his chest, could feel the way his cock twitched with desire as he claimed my lips in a heated kiss.

He pushed me back down on the bed, covering my body with his, and heat pooled in my gut as he nudged my knees to either side. There was very little foreplay this time, but then again, the whole weekend leading up to this had gotten both of us hot with lust, a thirst that still had yet to be slaked.

Daniel pressed his fingers into my entrance, making me gasp and arch against him. He trailed his lips down my neck, nibbling here and sucking there, leaving a trail of marks I was sure would stand out on my skin. But right now, I didn’t care; I let him have me as he wanted. Each new nip at my sensitive flesh only made my pleasure spike higher.

He was tender with me, gentle, but I could sense an underlying impatience there and knew that he needed this just as badly as I did. “Please,” I suddenly begged, reaching down between us and wrapping my hand around his throbbing manhood. I felt as though I had been on edge all weekend, just waiting for this, and now, his fingers just weren’t enough for my aching channel.

Daniel grinned against my skin but obediently withdrew his fingers and lined his cock up against my folds instead. He pushed slowly inside while I gasped and tugged at his hips. From the smirk on his face, I could tell that he was teasing me. But his smirk turned into a look of surprise as I locked my ankles behind his back and focused all of my attention on tugging him closer toward me.

He fell forward over me, his palms sinking deep into the bed on either side of my head. “Wasn’t expecting that,” he said, sounding amused.

“Fuck me,” I groaned, trying my best to get leverage against him.

“I have a better idea,” Daniel said, suddenly flipping us around so that I was on top of him and he was laying back against the pillows. “You fuck me. I want to see you fall apart on my cock. I want to see you totally come undone.”

I didn’t need any more urging than that. I rocked against him with wild abandon, surging upward until his tip was just brushing against the very edge of my hole, before dropping back down again until I was fully seated atop him. There was no finesse to the movements, barely even anything that you could call a discernable rhythm. But it did the trick for me, and I could tell from the way that Daniel groaned, from the way he clutched tighter and tighter at my hips, that it was working for him too, whether it was the feeling of it all, the expression on my face, or the helpless cries of his name that I couldn’t seem to quiet.

I came suddenly, body quivering as wave upon wave of heat spread through me, spilling from my gut and leaving my whole body liquid and relaxed. I could feel Daniel cumming as well, his arms wrapping tightly around me as I collapsed forward, holding me close, making me feel so utterly safe and cared for.

I never wanted to move from his embrace, but eventually, I groaned and rolled off to the side, stretching broadly. I couldn’t keep the grin from my face. Daniel rolled on his side, facing me and smiling as well. “Hey,” he said.

“Hey yourself,” I said, unable to keep from giggling. “That was about as good as that massage you promised me. I guess it’s all right that I never got that after all.”

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