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Secure Love (Wet & Wild 3)

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“I want everyone to meet Kallie Semple. The charity’s manager.”

He watched Kallie gasp and a sheepish smile crossed his cheeks. He had no idea if she would accept his offer, but he knew he had to try. This was how he could give back to his community. This was how Ash could breathe purpose into Kallie while still giving her the option of coming to live with him in Bali.

What better place for a charity to be run then from the very shores that charity wanted to protect?

“Miss Semple is an expert in her field. A crafter of organization. And she comes with an openly compassionate heart. I know she’ll be able to lead this charity in the right direction, prioritize things in a manner that is most efficient with our time and our funds, and be able to do wonderful things for a planet that is being destroyed at the hands of our greed. Now, I refuse to put Miss Semple on the spot—”

A chuckle arose from the crowd as Ash snickered into the microphone.

“Thanks, guys. Thanks for the help.”

The laughter grew and he could hear Kallie laughing behind him.

Laughing was good.

Her laughter gave him hope.

“What I want to do, however, is tell you that not only is she the charity’s manager, but she is also a close personal friend of mine. A great woman of integrity. Kallie Semple’s character is impeccable. Untarnished. And not an ounce of her, in any way, is unflattering. I know she will be a great role model for our charity, an honest hand in its organization, and the life force of a movement I hope to spark around the world. And if anyone has anything to say about her reputation, you can discuss it with myself or my lawyers.”

A few people in the crowd erupted into whistles and cheers, which sparked a trickle of support that rose from the crowd. Ash looked back at Kallie again and found her wide-eyed in disbelief. But if he looked closely, he could see the beginning stages of a smile twitching against her cheek.

“My hope for the future of this charity is that people around the world who need something can come to us and get it. My hope for this charity is that the organizations we set up around the globe can employ those who need jobs that will help us work toward our overall goal of impacting the environment and preserving our ecosystems. Your donations will go toward three things and three things only: paying the workers so they can train and learn how to preserve the world around them, a website and advertisements to raise awareness, and the purchasing of whatever lands are necessary in order to keep them healthy. That’s it. No one is reaping any monetary benefit from any of this, which means that one hundred percent of your money will always be used for the end goals of this charity.”

Another eruption of applause silenced Ash’s speech.

“But I also blend in my own hopes,” he said. “Everyone deserves to find the peace I experience when under the wide ocean sky. Everyone deserves to find the happiness I feel when my toes are sinking into the lush sands of the beaches this earth is dotted with. Everyone deserves to find the happiness—and the love—I feel when the cool, crystal clear ocean waters fall over my skin. But they won’t be there if someone doesn't protect them. They won’t be there if someone doesn't help them. They won’t be there if someone doesn’t take it upon themselves to establish a standard that is set around the world. All great movements start with a voice that is willing to step up and speak out. Ocean Sky Foundation is that voice. So open your pocketbooks and become as generous as you can, because if you aren’t, your children and your grandchildren will be stuck cleaning up the mess you refused to clean yourself.”

Ash stepped away from the microphone as a thunderous applause filled the room. He reached for Kallie’s hand and felt her warm skin slide against his. He laced their fingers together and led her directly into an elevator the second they stepped off stage. He didn’t care where his parents had gone and it didn’t matter to him. The only thing that mattered was what was going to happen next.

And the second the elevator doors closed, Kallie went to speak.

“Ash, what in the—”

He cupped his hand lightly over her mouth and gazed into her eyes. He brought his lips down upon her forehead, kissing her heated skin softly as his hand slipped from her lips. He cupped the back of her head and brought his forehead to feel hers, breathing in her scent as her hands slipped down his chest.

“Just wait a second longer,” he said with a whisper.

He felt her nod as the elevator doors opened, dumping them into the penthouse hotel suite of the Four Seasons.

He led her into the room and felt his stomach beginning to flip all over itself. The time had come. The moment where he would pour his heart out for Kallie and hoped she would accept it. The penthouse suite was filled with roses and candles. Petals were laid everywhere, filling the room with its scent. He looked behind him at Kallie and watched her eyes dance around the room. He took in her shocked stare and the smile across her face as he led her into the middle of the room.

A room lit with nothing but beautifully scented candles.


“Yes?” she asked.

He smiled down at her as his hand rose to cup her cheek.

“My Pretty Kallie,” he said with a whisper.

“Yes, Ash?” she asked.

“I love you,” he said.

His eyes danced between hers as a small gasp fell from her lips.

“I love every part of you. I love your smile and your grace. I love your sparkling green eyes and your beautiful head of red hair. I love your independent spirit and the fire behind your eyes when you argue. And I love the well of strength you seem to draw from every single day without a second thought.”

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