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Accidental Pregnancy

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“Don’t count too much on it,” I laugh. “My father has a way of stubbornly doing exactly what you don’t want him to.”

The two of us laugh. But there’s a nervous quality to the sound of my laughter; I truly am incredibly worried about what will happen tomorrow. I know that my father is going to dig his heels in. I’ll be lucky if we come out of the meeting with him not caring about who I see.

And, as far as I can see, there’s absolutely no hope for our collaborative efforts. Lyle sounds optimistic about the future between our companies, but I know that’s pointless. Even if the meeting goes well tomorrow, my father will not agree to further cooperation because of his pride. He would rather tie himself up in battles over creative license and discussions over who put more effort into what and, therefore, who get the most profit, then continue working at the alliance. Especially since he didn’t want it in the first place.

“Don’t stress too much,” Lyle advises. “Everything will be fine.”

Personally, I think Lyle could stand to stress a little more about it all. But I just sigh.

“Yeah,” I say. “I hope so.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


I’m more nervous than I let on to Amanda last night.

This will be the first time I have come face to face with Alan Simmons on my own, as another business owner. I remember watching the verbal battles between him and my father when I was younger, half hiding behind the door as I watched with awe. Even back then I thought the man was terrifying.

In the two years since I took over Energy Plus Co., I’ve only ever spoken to Alan over the phone. It was different to have all his growl and disdain directed at me rather than my father. Part of me wonders if I’m insane for having goaded him into coming here in person.

But this is important on so many levels. I didn’t say it to either Amanda or my employees, but…the collaboration between our companies is the furthest thing from my mind right now. I’m looking toward something much greater.


If the deal falls through, then it falls through. I know that will upset Amanda, who had a personal stake in the project. I, myself, had put a lot of money toward it and, in normal circumstances, that would upset me.

But this isn’t a normal circumstance. Money and business matters are a distant concern right now as I focus on how much I want Amanda in my life. She’s carrying my child. She’s amazing and beautiful. She’s everything I didn’t realize I was looking for in a partner.

I’m not about to let her go, Alan’s disapproval be damned.

I nod firmly to my empty office, and then grimace. Hopefully, I can still show that backbone when Alan gets up here.

My intercom crackles and I jump. Not a good start.

“Alan and Amanda Simmons have both arrived,” Alicia says. Her voice is tense; I sat down with her yesterday and spoke to her about my plan today. I know she’s worried. “I’m sending them in now.”

“Thank you, Alicia,” I say sincerely.

This is it. This is my last chance, now. I’ve overcome the lies that I told Amanda and the secrets we told ourselves. Alan is the last obstacle in my way.

The door opens roughly, swinging to its furthest point and then sliding back. Alan storms in first, his stocky shoulders tense and his frown pronounced even behind his thick mustache. He’s glaring at me and his entire demeanor says that he’s more than ready for a fight.

I glance behind him as Amanda slips into the office. She grimaces at me.

I didn’t really expect Alan to arrive in a towering temper, but maybe I should have. He would have had all last night to stew over the way I spoke to him and the demands that I made. I feel a little sorry for the employees he no doubt terrorized this morning.

But I can do this, I can face Alan Simmons as a fellow business owner and prove that I’m just as capable. I am a strong, capable business owner, and I have a plan… somewhat.

I hitch a smile on my face and stride forward, holding my hand out.

“Alan, it’s good to see you face-to-face,” I try.

Alan looks at my hand like it’s something evil and doesn’t take it. I’m left standing there awkwardly for a moment, my hand hovering in the air. I cough and drop it, well aware that I just lost the first power play. Behind her father, Amanda bites her lip.

She looks nervous. I can’t blame her. Now that Alan is in front of me, I can feel my own nerves stirring.

“So?” Alan rumbles. “You called me here. Start the meeting already.”

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